Starting from the Squirrel Canyon Trailhead, following Short Creek.

Short Creek.

The trail splits, left goes up Squirrel Canyon.

Within Squirrel Canyon.

Looking back as I began to ascend on the trail.

Looking back as the trail mellows out, The Beehive visible on the left.

The trail comes to a junction. Left goes to Water Peak, right to The Beehive. The wide, sandy trail looks the same in every photo.

The trail loses elevation as you head east toward The Beehive.

The trail enters a pretty wash. Water was running.

The Beehive ahead, within the wash. The trail continues on the left, but I followed the wash, heading toward The Beehive's northern face.

Close-up of The Beehive. The route I chose goes up the left side, to the pine tree located on the smooth-looking section seen here.

At the northeastern base, looking up at The Beehive.

Approaching the Class 3 crux section. The pine tree mentioned earlier visible in the center.

Looking down at the route I came up (right), another scramble section visible on the left, in the crack.

Class 3 slab.

A pretty ledge leading to easier terrain.

Class 2 to the summit.

Summit block of The Beehive.

The Beehive, looking south.

The Beehive, looking west toward Water Peak.

Back at the trail junction, now headed west toward Water Peak and Water Arch.

Crazy slickrock dome of a landscape to the north.

Heading south along the Eye of Heaven Arch Trail. Water Canyon visible on the right, Water Peak on the left.

Some slickrock that makes it hard to follow the trail.

Water Peak, a quick excursion from the trail.

Water Peak summit, looking south.

Water Peak summit looking east at the Beehive.

A quick excursion off the trail to see Eye of Heaven Arch from above.

Close-up of Eye of Heaven Arch, Water Canyon visible on the right.

Trail leads down to Eye of Heaven Arch.

Eye of Heaven Arch.

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