The trail heads through open desert for a short time.

Entrance to the canyon.

Some small hoodoos with nice lighting.

Some narrows right at the entrance.

Entering the true slot section.

Leaving the most narrow section following the canyon to the head.

Great tent hoodoos ahead.

Small narrow section at the base of the prettiest tent hoodoos, just before ascending to the canyon head.

A trail leads from the canyon out up to the rim.

Looking down on the prettiest hoodoos from the trail, almost at the the rim.

On the rim, looking into the canyon I walked through.

The trail continues along the rim to a high point.

From the high point, the trail keeps going to get the best view.

Looking into the canyon.

After the slot canyon, this is the start of the Cave Loop Trail.

You can see the cave on the right.

Cave (center right).

Looking back into the basin (cave is on the left somewhere, slot canyon on the right somewhere).

Approaching the trailhead.
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