Starting from my car, heading north. I encountered an old road shortly after leaving my car.

View back toward my car after finding the road.

Along the heavily-eroded road.

Starting up the slope, pretty steep.

View back.

The road continues east along the sloping ridge. The first goal is the hump visible top left.

Starting up a steep section to reach the hump visible top left.

View back, the road I ascended visible on the right.

Progress up the slope.

Looking back as the slope mellows out a bit.

The road disappears and I continue along the crest, more or less.

Hump I mentioned in a previous photo visible far left. The false summit of Telegraph Hill is visible right of center. I stuck to the ridge crest to get there.

View back down.

Approaching the false summit.

View back along the ridge I ascended from.

Minor Class 2 on a steep ascent to the false summit of Telegraph Hill.

False summit, view northeast toward the true summit. Some minor Class 2 to get there.

View back as I make my progress along the final crest.

I kept left of the crest to avoid the majority of the scrambling.

Summit of Telegraph Hill, view back toward the false summit.

Close-up of the pretty peaks to the south.

Telegraph Hill summit, view north.

Telegraph Hill summit, view into the valley below to the southeast.

Back at the trailhead, the lighting was nice so I got a quick shot toward Telegraph Peak, another peak to the south.
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