Starting along the social trail, Teewinot Mountain center.

Jenny Lake below.

Lots of switchbacks until you get to the base of Teewinot Mountain.

Teewinot Mountain ahead.

Jenny Lake below.

Approaching some scree.

We came up the ridge center-right. Jenny Lake below to the left.

Avoiding some snow because we were under-prepared and had no gear to navigate snow.

Ugh, snow.

Don't do this. Really. Not without gear. You can see the base of the Idol and Worshipper formation on the right.

Social trail starts to get a little confusing just past the Idol and Worshiper rock formation (left).

Yeah. Lots to go.

Looking back toward Jenny Lake and Lupine Meadows Trailhead. Idol and Worshiper on the right.

More progress.

Eventually, we made it into this gully, where water was flowing.

Looking down the gully, some Class 3 stuff, Idol and Worshiper blatantly visible. Stay off the cliffs up there behind Jordan, and off the ones behind me.

Some scrambling up the gully.

A social trail from within the gully, leaving it on the right. Follow it, but hug the gully from above. Too far too the right and you're on Class 5.

Class 4 stuff just right of the gully.

Class 4, looking back.

Class 4, gully just next to Jordan. Note how I'm stressing how close the gully is.

See the gully? It's right there. Don't go too far from it. It only gets harder. People die around this area, apparently, from going off-route.

Class 2+ stuff. The notch is appealing to go to, but that's a false south saddle. You'll get a nice view, but no summit.

Jordan coming up the Class 2 stuff.

Notch on the left is the saddle, which we went to accidentally. Stay right on these rocks, not exceeding Class 3, to the less obvious notch on the right. That leads to the summit.

False south saddle view of Grand Teton.

Back on the route, headed to the Teewinot Mountain summit.

Some Class 2+/3 stuff.

Looking back down, almost at the Teewinot Mountain summit.

Teewinot Mountain summit ahead!

Teewinot Mountain, looking toward Mt. Owens (right), and Grand Teton (left).

Yep. I had to.
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