Starting off from Bear Lake.

Passing Alberta Falls.

The Loch.

Heading up the Andrews Glacier Trail.

The pass leading to Andrews Glacier on the right.

Looking back along the Andrews Glacier Trail.

Andrews Glacier ahead. Ascend on the left side.

Andrews Glacier.

Looking back toward the lake, where the Andrews Glacier Trail officially ends.

The ice was melted enough that we could squeeze in between the ice and the cliff face. Some Class 3 moves for sure.

The slope's grade got mellow enough that we could walk for a while on the ice.

Looking back down Andrews Glacier from the saddle above. That's Otis Peak in the center. Taylor Peak is behind me.

Looking back toward the saddle we came up from, Andrews Glacier below. Otis Peak on the right, Hallett Peak center.

Heading up to Taylor Peak.

Looking back, almost at the summit of Taylor Peak.

Taylor Peak summit, looking toward Powell Peak (center), Longs Peak in the distance.

Close-up of Longs Peak.

View east looking down at Sky Pond.

Continuing along the ridge to Powell Peak.

View southwest, toward Andrews Peak.

Looking back along the ridge toward Taylor Peak.

Continuing along the ridge to Powell Peak.

Looking back along the ridge.

Powell Peak ahead.

Taylor Peak summit! Longs Peak in the distance.

McHenreys Peak center, Longs Peak behind it, center.

Close-up of the peaks to the southeast from the summit of Powell Peak.

Lake Powell below, so gorgeous.

View back along the ridge toward Taylor Peak from Powell Peak summit.

Heading back the way we came, avoiding Taylor Peak's summit.

Heading back the way we came, Taylor Peak to the right up there somewhere.
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