Starting up Pima Canyon.

Within Pima Canyon - you can see Bighorn Peak in the center.

The small waterfall marking where you should start looking north for the gully.

Ascend this gully. We couldn't find a social trail to get to it, but I recommend staying in the stream bed as much as possible to avoid excess bushwhacking.

Heading up the gully.

Looking back down the gully.

Top of the gully on the grassy mesa, looking back the way we came.

Continuing up out of the gully, Table Mountain up there somewhere.

Along the ridge looking back (west), Bighorn Peak visible on the right.

Continuing along the ridge toward Table Mountain.

Almost at the summit, Pima Canyon visible below.

Table Mountain view. You can see Mt. Lemmon and Cathedral Rock.

Close-up of Mt. Lemmon and Cathedral Rock.

Headed back along the ridge toward Bighorn Peak.

Staying close to the ridge to avoid all the extra bushwhacking we encountered by being just below the ridge on the ascent.

Bighorn Peak ahead!

Looking back toward Table Mountain, Mt Kimball over there on the right somewhere.

Bighorn Peak summit, looking west toward Pusch Peak.

We decided to go down this awful route. We recommend you go back down the gully you came up. That's Pima Canyon down there, but it's very slow moving with all the cacti we encountered.

Almost down off our awful choice route.

Back on the Pima Canyon Trail at sunset.
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