From the Hieroglyphic Trailhead, a view toward Superstition Peak above.

Hiking along the Hieroglyphic Trail.

The trail enters Hieroglyphic Canyon.

We reached the end of the trail, a swimming hole with the incorrectly named hieroglyphs (they're petroglyphs). This photo was taken later on the way back when there weren't a ton of people.

Lots of flowing water.

Hieroglyphs across the stream.

Some of the hieroglyphs.

Heading up the canyon, keeping to the right of the watercourse.

We located the social trail.

View back as we make progress along the trail.

Progress up Hieroglyphic Canyon.

Some undulations, and a few short Class 2 sections.

We reached flowing water.

View back down the canyon.

Very pretty, it's always a treat to find water in the desert.

Continuing our ascent up Hieroglyphic canyon, to the right of the watercourse.

Another shot back.

A steep section of slab along the trail.

The trail led us back into the watercourse.

Class 2 within the watercourse.

Beautiful little waterfalls.

A short Class 3 move.

The trail brought us out of the watercourse and onto a slope.

Ascending the steep slope.

View back, Hieroglyphic Canyon seen center below.

The trail became even steeper.

View back as we gain elevation along the slope.

Class 2 section.

View back at the top of the Class 2 section.

Shortly before reaching the ridgeline, a view back into Hieroglyphic Canyon.

At the ridgeline, a view toward Weavers Needle.

Along the ridgeline to Superstition Peak. I recommend keeping to the ridge crest on one of a few social trails, up and over that hump.

Class 2 up the hump.

View back, Peak 4869 seen top right.

Continuing along the crest, the next hump is best avoided on the right via a social trail.

Avoiding the hump, Class 2 social trail at the cliffs' base.

View back at the base of the cliffs as we reach the ridge crest again.

Just after reaching the crest again, we reached the Class 3 crux of the hike.

View back down the Class 3 set of moves.

Above the crux, back along the ridge crest.

The trail then led around the east side of Superstition Peak.

View back as we wrap around the east side. Weavers Needle seen on the right.

Now on the southeast side of Superstition Peak, heading up.

View back along the crest.

Amazing pinnacles along the way up.

Another shot back.

Final bit to the summit. We kept to the left of these pinnacles.

View back.

Final Class 3 moves to the summit of Superstition Peak.

View back down at the Class 3 bit to the summit.

Austin just below the summit. It was a bit exposed, but the holds are great and it's easy to keep away from the cliff.

Summit of Superstition Peak.

Close-up toward Ironview Peak and Peak 4869.

Superstition Peak summit view down into the city.

Close-up toward Weavers Needle.

After reaching the saddle, I headed up to Peak 4869. A trail leads the whole way up.

View back toward Superstition Peak on my way up to Peak 4869.

Peak 4869 seen ahead.

Peak 4869 summit, view toward Ironview Peak.

View toward the Four Peaks and the outstanding yellow cliffs of the Superstitions.

View back toward Superstition Peak.

Heading back along the Hieroglyphic Trail.
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