A short walk along a bad dirt road.

At the end of the road, looking back to the desert floor. Some old mining ruins in the foreground.

A wash just past the ruins.

I followed the wash. A stick pile blocks the main watercourse, pointing to the right as the preferred route.

Class 2 within the drainage.

After following the drainage until it got brushy, I left it to ascend a slope. This is a shot back down into the drainage I came up, center.

At the ridgeline. The hump ahead is a false summit. I side-hilled around it, keeping low. It might be better to just go up and over, but there also some rock outcroppings that become apparent higher up along the ridge that could pose difficulties.

Approaching the hump along the ridge. I kept along its right side in this photo, staying low.

Starting up the Class 2 ridge, but leaving it shortly to start side-hilling instead.

View back along the ridge. The drainage I hiked up earlier is seen on the right.

Side-hilling. Stonewall Mountain visible on the right.

View back at my side-hill around the annoying bump along the ridge.

View back toward the route I came, the hump I avoided visible on the right.

Along the ridge, Stonewall Mountain visible on the right.

Very pretty ridgeline.

View back.

False summit seen ahead.

Close-up toward the false summit.

View back toward the way I came along the ridge.

A lump on the way to the false summit, which is seen ahead.

View back. The ridgeline I came up earlier from the initial drainage I followed is visible on the left.

At the false summit, view back.

False summit, view toward Stonewall Mountain.

Approaching Stonewall Mountain.

Stonewall Mountain, view back.

Close-up to the southwest.
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