Marys Pass Trail.

Ascending the Marys Pass Trail.

View back toward Leavitt Peak.

Cool rock formations along the slope.

Ascending to the shoulder above Saint Marys Pass.

View back just below the shoulder.

At the shoulder. Stanislaus Peak seen ahead.

Pleasant trail walk through tundra.

A couple of creek crossings along the way.

View back while hiking through tundra.

Stanislaus Peak ahead.

Approaching the base of Stanislaus Peak, where the trail end.

White rocks, Class 2.

View back from on the white rocks.

Ascending the ridge along the rim.

Another shot back, an interesting cliff on the north side.

Steep, loose slog. You can see the Class 2 stuff ahead.

Class 2/2+ to overcome the summit cliff band.

Close-up back down, Sonora Peak seen top right.

View back down from the summit of Stanislaus Peak.

Stanislaus Peak, view north.

Back at the shoulder, now heading up to Sonora Peak along the Sonora Peak Trail.

Sonora Peak ahead. The trail disappeared for a bit.

View back after relocating the trail.

Steep at first to gain the ridgeline.

Trail through the talus up to Sonora Peak.

View north, Stanislaus Peak seen left.

Leavitt Peak to the suth.

View east from Sonora Peak. Mount Patterson seen in the distance.
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