Stanislaus Peak and Sonora Peak in Stanislaus National Forest, CA

Hike Stanislaus Peak and Sonora Peak Stanislaus National Forest, CA

Class 2 9.9 miles 3300 gain 4-6 hrs Out + Back Aug 26, 2024

Stanislaus Peak and Sonora Peak GPX Track

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Sonora Peak is often approached from Sonora Pass via the PCT, but I wanted to more easily group it with Stanislaus Peak, so I started from the Marys Pass Trailhead. I made my way up through forest and tundra. On my left colorful rock formations jutted out from the slope, and looking back I could see Leavitt Peak. The trail doesn't actually lead up to Saint Marys Pass, a bit of a misdirection since it is located just below to the west, but it does reach the western shoulder of Sonora Peak. Progressively, the trail became much steeper to reach this point, where I could see the butte-like form of Stanislaus Peak to the north. This is also the Sonora Peak Trail junction I'd return to later.

I continued from the shoulder toward Stanislaus Peak, following a mostly flat trail through sweeping tundra. A couple of miles later, I reached the east saddle of Stanislaus Peak, where the trail abruptly ended at a cluster of white rock. It took some Class 2 to navigate around this rock, and then a steep social trail led up along the rim. On my right the ridgeline dropped away into cliffy terrain, a contrast to the rolling tundra I'd been hiking on so far. The social trail wiggled around a bit but was mostly just a slog up a loose slope. Just below the summit, the terrain steepened further, introducing some Class 2 scrambling to overcome the band surrounding the top. There might be a tougher Class 2 move in there somewhere, but only because the ground was loose and I felt the need to keep myself stabilized, though the scrambling isn't quite Class 3. On my way back down, I kept more to the south of the rim, but social trails led in all sorts of odd directions, so I recommend just keeping to the rim.

After backtracking to the shoulder above Saint Marys Pass, I picked up the Sonora Peak Trail. I suppose I could have cut away from the Stanislaus Peak Trail earlier to meet the Sonora Peak Trail, but I was enjoying myself along the tame tundra. An established social trail started west toward Sonora Peak, disappearing as it entered the tundra higher up. I could see an obvious social trail carved into the talus on the opposite side of the tundra, so I just hiked toward it. After ascending steeply up this short talus slope, the trail bent south and continued to the summit on a defined, more moderately graded path. The views were spectacular from here, notably Leavitt Peak just to the south and Mount Patterson's bright form in the distance.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Stanislaus Peak
11233 ft
833 rise
Sonora Peak
11459 ft
1816 rise

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Marys Pass Trail.
Marys Pass Trail.
Ascending the Marys Pass Trail.
Ascending the Marys Pass Trail.
View back toward Leavitt Peak.
View back toward Leavitt Peak.
Cool rock formations along the slope.
Cool rock formations along the slope.
Ascending to the shoulder above Saint Marys Pass.
Ascending to the shoulder above Saint Marys Pass.
View back just below the shoulder.
View back just below the shoulder.
At the shoulder. Stanislaus Peak seen ahead.
At the shoulder. Stanislaus Peak seen ahead.
Pleasant trail walk through tundra.
Pleasant trail walk through tundra.
A couple of creek crossings along the way.
A couple of creek crossings along the way.
View back while hiking through tundra.
View back while hiking through tundra.
Stanislaus Peak ahead.
Stanislaus Peak ahead.
Approaching the base of Stanislaus Peak, where the trail end.
Approaching the base of Stanislaus Peak, where the trail end.
White rocks, Class 2.
White rocks, Class 2.
View back from on the white rocks.
View back from on the white rocks.
Ascending the ridge along the rim.
Ascending the ridge along the rim.
Another shot back, an interesting cliff on the north side.
Another shot back, an interesting cliff on the north side.
Steep, loose slog. You can see the Class 2 stuff ahead.
Steep, loose slog. You can see the Class 2 stuff ahead.
Class 2/2+ to overcome the summit cliff band.
Class 2/2+ to overcome the summit cliff band.
Close-up back down, Sonora Peak seen top right.
Close-up back down, Sonora Peak seen top right.
View back down from the summit of Stanislaus Peak.
View back down from the summit of Stanislaus Peak.
Stanislaus Peak, view north.
Stanislaus Peak, view north.
Back at the shoulder, now heading up to Sonora Peak along the Sonora Peak Trail.
Back at the shoulder, now heading up to Sonora Peak along the Sonora Peak Trail.
Sonora Peak ahead. The trail disappeared for a bit.
Sonora Peak ahead. The trail disappeared for a bit.
View back after relocating the trail.
View back after relocating the trail.
Steep at first to gain the ridgeline.
Steep at first to gain the ridgeline.
Trail through the talus up to Sonora Peak.
Trail through the talus up to Sonora Peak.
View north, Stanislaus Peak seen left.
View north, Stanislaus Peak seen left.
Leavitt Peak to the suth.
Leavitt Peak to the suth.
View east from Sonora Peak. Mount Patterson seen in the distance.
View east from Sonora Peak. Mount Patterson seen in the distance.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!