Hike Hidden Peak, Mountain Spring Peak, Black Velvet Peak Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, NV

The trail starts on an old rocky dirty road before narrowing into a trail.

The first obstacle, a waterfall (or dryfall, depending when you come). We did a Class 3 scramble to the left of the fall (next photo).

Ascending the Class 3 moves to get around the waterfall in order to enter the narrows of Black Velvet Canyon.

Looking back, now within Black Velvet Canyon.

Looking back down the canyon, great morning lighting.

Interesting slabs as we ascend the canyon.

Lots of water in Black Velvet Canyon.

Looking up the canyon. Lots of boulders to go.

Looking back down Black Velvet Canyon.

We located a cairn and started up a gully on the north side of Black Velvet Canyon.

Looking down the way we came up.

Continuing up the gully toward Hidden Peak.

Looking back down the gully.

Hidden Peak ahead. The gully veers left.

Looking back down the gully.

Top of the gully.

Looking back down.

Summit view looking northeast. Calico Hills in the distance (the red rocks).

The summit of Hidden Peak just ahead.

Looking toward Monument Peak from Hidden Peak summit.

Heading toward the limestone ridge, colorful sandstone slickrock along the way.

We headed from sandstone into limestone, leading to the peak on the right. We would then follow the ridge across to the far left to Mountain Spring Peak over there.

The limestone landscape change happens pretty abruptly, as you can see from the ground. In the distance is Black Velvet Peak, our final destination.

Shawn along the ridge.

Looking back toward Hidden Peak, where we came from.

We were greeted by a beautiful arch, totally unexpected.

Shawn in the arch.

Spring Mountain Peak on the right, Black Velvet Peak on the left.

Mt. Charleston on the top left, Calico Hills far away on the top right.

From the summit of Mountain Spring Peak, looking toward Black Velvet Peak.

After following the ridge down from Mountain Spring Peak, we were met with sandstone slickrock again.

Navigating the complex terrain, aided by ample cairns.

View back.

The summit of Black Velvet Peak.

After leaving Black Velvet Peak, we followed a sort-of trail from the summit along the border of the limestone and sandstone, below the ridgeline we had earlier traversed.

Looking back toward Black Velvet Peak.

Entering a canyon to descend.

Class 3 down-climbs within the canyon, but it made it down!

Continuing down the bright yellow side canyon we had chosen for our descent.

We got back to the junction in Black Velvet Canyon where we had left and followed the same route out.
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