Class 2 4.4 miles 2200 gain 2-4 hrs Out + Back Apr 16, 2018

Spirit Mountain GPX Track

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Spirit Mountain is a gorgeous granitic desert peak within the Spirit Mountain Wilderness of Lake Mead National Recreation Area, the high point of the Newberry Mountains. It looms over Laughlin/Bullhead City, a casino-driven town at the southern tip of Nevada still so relatively close to Las Vegas that it's weird that the place exists. Any car can reach the trailhead, accesed via Christmas Tree Pass Road. The bushes on either side of the road are laden with holiday decorations, and perhaps the absurdity (and sheer quantity) of the decor has prevented NPS from removing the litter.

Spirit Mountain can be seen from the trailhead, but reaching it requires first heading up and over a small hump before dropping down to the peak's southwest slope and then ascending the peak in earnest. From the parking turnoff, I headed along an old dirt road which pretty quickly turns toward the wrong way. I continued cross-country away from it until locating a social trail that leads up to the hump, only a minor obstacle really. The social trail then heads north down the slope, losing about 300 vertical that would need to be reascended on the way back, before weaving in and out of some foothills and small arroyos. I had a little bit of trouble sticking to the trail during this section, but cairns help point the way.

Once the trail nears 3900', I recommend making sure you find the trail if you've lost it at this point since it becomes fairly well-established. After ascending for a few hundred feet, the trail continues north along the base of some cliffs, drops into a small drainage, and then starts to ascend more steeply up the southern slope of Spirit Mountain. Overall the trail continues to be easy to follow, though I did get off-route a couple of times. I found it pretty odd the NPS hasn't decided to create an official trail at this point since there's getting to be some heavy erosion due to spots where it's clear previous hikers got confused and accidentally made incorrect spur trails. The slope continued as Class 2, and was mostly pretty steep and rocky. As I neared the southern ridge of Spirit Mountain, looking back awarded me nice views toward the cool pinnacles of the peak's southern ridge.

Once at the ridge at about 5400' the trail becomes a lot less steep and rocky and leads north. A low Class 3 move is required to hop over a rock rib, followed by some Class 2 to gain the summit.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Spirit Mountain
5639 ft
2879 rise

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Starting from Christmas Tree Pass Road at a turn out, Spirit Mountain the big hump in the distance. First, I followed this old road for a bit, then a social trail up to the hump ahead.
Starting from Christmas Tree Pass Road at a turn out, Spirit Mountain the big hump in the distance. First, I followed this old road for a bit, then a social trail up to the hump ahead.
At the top of the hump, looking down a slope leading to the southwestern base of Spirit Mountain.
At the top of the hump, looking down a slope leading to the southwestern base of Spirit Mountain.
Once down, cairns helped navigate the hills and small arroyos. You're aiming for that prominent outcropping in the center of this photo.
Once down, cairns helped navigate the hills and small arroyos. You're aiming for that prominent outcropping in the center of this photo.
Social trail leading up Spirit Mountain.
Social trail leading up Spirit Mountain.
Looking back the way I came. You can see the initial hump I came up and over in the center.
Looking back the way I came. You can see the initial hump I came up and over in the center.
Spirit Mountain in the center, now next to the prominent outcropping I mentioned previously. The route now continues to the right, staying fairly horizontal for a bit along the base of the cliffs.
Spirit Mountain in the center, now next to the prominent outcropping I mentioned previously. The route now continues to the right, staying fairly horizontal for a bit along the base of the cliffs.
Looking back along the base of the cliffs.
Looking back along the base of the cliffs.
And now for the steeper ascent that lasts a while.
And now for the steeper ascent that lasts a while.
View back down at my progress.
View back down at my progress.
Cairns helpfully guiding the way.
Cairns helpfully guiding the way.
Cool pinnacles on the south ridge. The social trail continues making its way up.
Cool pinnacles on the south ridge. The social trail continues making its way up.
Along the social trail, looking back the way I came (right in this photo).
Along the social trail, looking back the way I came (right in this photo).
Close-up of some pinnacles.
Close-up of some pinnacles.
Spirit Mountain to the north.
Spirit Mountain to the north.
Ascending a weakness in the cliffy upper reaches in order to gain the ridge.
Ascending a weakness in the cliffy upper reaches in order to gain the ridge.
Looking back at the pinnacle-filled section of the trail, now on the ridge.
Looking back at the pinnacle-filled section of the trail, now on the ridge.
Looking up toward Spirit Mountain as I head north along the ridge.
Looking up toward Spirit Mountain as I head north along the ridge.
Image 17 from gallery
View back along the more tame ridge hike shortly before reaching the Class 3 rock rib move.
View back along the more tame ridge hike shortly before reaching the Class 3 rock rib move.
A shot of Matt (from my second time up Spirit Mountain) scrambling up the short, low Class 3 section. It heads up and over a rock rib, seen here.
A shot of Matt (from my second time up Spirit Mountain) scrambling up the short, low Class 3 section. It heads up and over a rock rib, seen here.
Just past the Class 3 move, Class 2 to descend from the scramble rib obstacle. The summit is just ahead.
Just past the Class 3 move, Class 2 to descend from the scramble rib obstacle. The summit is just ahead.
South view from Spirit Mountain.
South view from Spirit Mountain.
Spirit Mountain summit, looking north. Colorado River seen below.
Spirit Mountain summit, looking north. Colorado River seen below.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!