Starting out from the cars. Peak 2525 on the left (our last one of the day). The route starts up the drainage in the center of this photo.

Along an old mining road as I make my way up to the saddle separating Peak 2380 and Peak 2710.

Starting up to Peak 2710.

View back toward the saddle (left of center). Peak 2380 visible on the right. I'm on my way up to Peak 2710.

Peak 2710 ahead.

Just below Peak 2710, view back. Peak 2380 and Peak 2660 visible center. Peak 2940 right. Pea 2573 (the little nubbin) on the left.

View from Peak 2710. Copper Mountain visible right.

Just north of Peak 2710, view south. Peak 2525 on the far right. The drainage I came up via mining road is just below it. The cars are somewhere on the left center.

Onward to Peak 2700.

At the base of Peak 2700.

Class 2/3 up Peak 2700.

Peak 2700 summit, view south toward Peak 2710.

Back at the saddle with Peak 2380. I headed up the slope ahead. Peak 2380 visible on the right.

On the ridgeline, headed to Peak 2380. Class 2 for a while. Peak 2573 seen on the far left.

Close-up along the ridge.

Class 3 on the left side of the ridge, avoiding the crest.

Some fun route-finding to avoid scarier stuff. Here's where I met up with the group.

Exposed Class 3 section below the summit.

View down at Iris on the exposed Class 3 moves.

Peak 2380 summit, view east. Peak 2710 visible left of center.

Peak 2380 summit, view west. Peak 2660 visible center, Peak 2940 right of center.

We backtracked a dropped off on the west slope of Peak 2380.

Approaching the east slope of Peak 2660.

View into the canyon separating Peak 2380 and Peak 2660. It looks amazing on a topo map.

View back toward Peak 2380. We came from the right in this photo.

Class 2 up the east slope of PEak 2660.

Another shot back.

Cool cliffs as we ascend Peak 2660.

A really neat canyon-like feature below the summit.

Peak 2660 ahead on the left. Peak 2940 visible on the right.

Peak 2660 summit block (eastern summit).

View back.

Class 3/4 move to gain the eastern summit.

Bob coming up the crux. You can see the western summit above him.

Peak 2940 on the left.

Close-up toward Peak 2940.

Before Peak 2940, we had to go try for the western summit of Peak 2660. We wrapped around its base.

Class 3 led to just below the summit block.

Peak 2660's western summit. There's an airy move just to the right of Bob.

Onward to Peak 2940. We wrapped around its southern cliffs.

And we found this major gully, Class 2.

Higher up, a narrower gully leading north.

View back. We came from the bottom right in this photo.

Ascending a Class 4 cactus-filled ramp. On the way down we found that the Class 3 slab (far left in this shot) worked much better. Just above this ramp, we took a left and started up the cliffy stuff visible top left in this photo.

Chris on the Class 3 slab that worked more nicely. (This shot was taken later on the way down)

After some exposed Class 2 on a black ledge, we got to this spot. This is a wide-shot up toward the cruxes to reach the rim. Chris and Tom seen on the rim above. The Class 4 move seen on the right, followed by the Class 3 crawl-ramp.

The Class 4 move.

View down at the Class 4 move just below the ramp.

Exposed ramp.

Close-up down at the ramp.

Chris reaching the rim. Tom visible on the exposed ramp just below.

Along the rim, making our way to the summit.

View back at the route. We came up the gully center, then ascended on the scary-looking cliffs right of center to reach the rim.

Peak 2940, view southeast toward the peaks so far today.

Peak 2940 summit, view west toward Peak 3357.

Peak 2940 summit, view north toward Cupcake Mountain.

Peak 2940 summit, view into Whipple Wash.

Backtracking along the base of Peak 2940.

Descending west into a drainage.

View back toward Peak 2940 (left) and Peak 2660 (right).

Peak 2940 is quite impressive.

Down into a drainage.

We followed the drainage to the base of Peak 2573, seen ahead.

Ascending to Peak 2573. Peak 2940 poking out in the distance.

A headwall, which we avoided on the right.

Peak 2573 ahead.

Class 2/3 up to Peak 2573's summit. There was a tiny bit of fun route-finding, but it was pretty straightforward.

View back toward Tom as he gains the summit of Peak 2573.

Peak 2573, view toward Peak 3357 (left) and Peak 2940 (right).

View northeast into the canyon separating Peak 2380 and Peak 2660.

Close-up toward Peak 2525 (right of center).

View back toward Peak 2573 (right) as we head along the scenic route over to Peak 2525.

Another shot back toward Peak 2573 (far right).

Peak 2525 ahead.

Farther along the ridge, view back toward Peak 2573.

Peak 2525 ahead. First a big drop to get to it. As you can see it has serious cliffs. We decided to ascend via its northern side (center in this photo) and then traverse above the cliffs to reach the summit.

Making our way to the north side of Peak 2525.

View back, Peak 2573 visible top right.

Class 2.

Another shot back as we ascend Peak 2525.

Class 2 just below the ridge crest.

View back again as we near the summit.

Peak 2525 summit, view north.

Peak 2525 summit, view toward Copper Mountain.

We dropped down the south side.

We left the ridge crest after clearing the cliffs seen above.

Loose, dumb Class 2.

View back toward the loose descent.

We sidehilled to this more pleasant slope/ridge.

View back toward Peak 2525 as we make our way back to the cars.
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