Dropping off the wide mesa-like hill into a major wash, reascending on the opposite side.

Along a burro trail toward Dead Burro Canyon (center).

Social trail leading up the right side of Dead Burro Canyon. Dryfall visible left of center, preventing access directly up the canyon's mouth.

Along the right side rim of Dead Burro Canyon.

Close-up into Dead Burro canyon. Unnamed peak we failed on visible right of center, big butte reminiscent of Utah's monoliths visible next to it on the left.

Looking back down at our progress toward Peak 1520.

Peak 1520 summit ahead.

Break in the cliff band on loose Class 2 to get down to the head of Dead Burro canyon. Peak 1460 visible left, Peak 1652 visible top right.

Pak 1460 ahead.

Big butte on the right, minor pinnacle left. We headed between them - you can see Matt up there.

Working along the base of Peak 1460.

View back toward Peak 1520. The weakness we descended from is visible on its left in this photo. Big butte visible far left.

Heading up to Peak 1460.

Looking back down the Class 2 ridge leading to Peak 1460.

Peak 1460 summit, view toward unnamed peak we failed on (left) and Peak 1652 (our next peak, far right). The Needles visible in the distance.

Just past the summit of Peak 1460, a cool perspective down toward the big butte.

View toward the Colorado River.

We wrapped back around Peak 1460 and headed between the peak and the big butte.

Unnamed peak we failed on visible left of center, Peak 1652 top right. We headed to the saddle of the two, but you could instead chose to head up another Class 2 drainage to go directly to the peak.

Looking back toward Peak 1460 and the big butte as we ascend to the saddle.

View toward the failed unnamed peak. Loose Class 5, no thanks.

View along the ridge toward Peak 1652.

Side-hilling at the base of Peak 1652 to avoid the cliffy crest.

View toward Peak 1460 and an alternate approach drainage.

Class 2 gully to gain the summit of Peak 1652.

Ridge to Peak 1652, The Needles and Tumarion Peak visible in the distance.

Wide shot toward Peak 1520 (left) and Peak 1460 (right).

Close-up of The Needles and Tumarion Peak.

Dropping down along the ridge crest from Peak 1652.

Looking back toward Peak 1652. The cliffs guard the descent off the summit well, but just above Matt was a nice Class 2 option.

Peak 1665 ahead.

Heading down the slabby slope.

Almost at the saddle with Peak 1665.

Class 2 slope up to Peak 1665.

Looking back toward Peak 1652.

The Needles and Tumarion Peak.

Summit of Peak 1665, view toward its southern slope. We ascended the minor hill in the center to follow the ridgeline since everything on the left is cliffy and daunting.

Looking back up toward Peak 1665 and the Class 2 descent along its south slope.

Colorful landscape as we headed down to the saddle separating Peak 1665 from Peak 1520.

Looking back up the colorful descent.

Burro trail leading to a major drainage.

We followed this drainage for a while until we merged with an ATV road, and then made our way back to the car.
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