Peak 2700 seen top left. We took the ridge ahead, but returned through the open desert on the left.

Along the pleasant, fun little ridge.

Class 2 much of the way.

Short section of Class 3 into a notch.

Some occasional Class 3 obstacles, often they can be bypassed.

Friends on sketchier terrain. I side-hilled on the right, Class 2/3.

Peak 2700 ahead.

View back along the ridge.

Peak 2700. We headed up the slope to its base, then wrapped left.

Side-hilling around Peak 2700.

A gully on its north side.

View down the gully.

Don't go all the way to the ridge. The summit isn't accessible from here.

Instead, before the ridge, I took this side-gully.

It led to this low Class 5 chimney.

View down the chimney.

Summit of Peak 2700, view toward Big Horn Peak (left).

After backtracking to Peak 2700's base, we took this steep slope down to the desert floor below.
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