Medicine Lakes. South Mountain visible center.

Looking back at the Medicine Lakes Trailhead, Mount Tukuhnikivatz visible top left.

Heading through the forest on the Medicine Lakes Trail.

Junction with the South Mountain Trail. Keep right.

The South Mountain Trail follows a grassy slope, heading through forest and meadows.

Looking back.

Nearing the high point of the South Mountain Trail, the saddle between South Mountain and Peak 11142. I left the trail and headed into the meadow visible on the right.

A social trail leading west away from the saddle.

Looking back along the social trail, Peak 11142 visible center.

I left the social trail because it continued away from the summit, instead heading up the steep southeast slope of South Mountain.

Continuing up the steep slope to South Mountain.

Looking back down the slope, Peak 11142 visible on the left.

The rockiest the route gets, and this is avoidable if you keep to the grasses on either side of it.

View toward Peak 11142 as I near the summit of South Mountain.

South Mountain summit ahead.

Looking back one last time, Peak 11142 poking out.

Mount Tukuhnikivatz and Mount Peale, seen from the summit of South Mountain.

Close-up of the desert landscape below.

Back at the saddle, I continued east toward Peak 11142. It was forested, but easy to navigate. The trees weren't thick and I hesitate to even call it a bushwhack.

View along the ridge to Peak 1142.

Continuing to the summit of Peak 11142.

Final push on some minor talus to the summit of Peak 11142.

Peak 11142 summit, view toward South Mountain behind the trees.

Peak 11142 summit, view toward Mount Tukuhnikivatz (left) and Mount Peale (right).
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