Follow the Wildcat Canyon Trail for a while until you get to the Subway route.

Continuing along the standard Subway route, Russel Gulch on the right.

Heading down the Class 2 scramble into the Left Fork of North Creek (The Subway).

Optional rappel.

A fun swim.

Once you get here, look left and find a little arch.

Go up the gully next to the arch.

The Class 3 upclimb to get into the gully.

The gully spits you out above the creek.

Backcountry, no more trails.

Follow a sandy wash until you get to slickrock in a couple miles.

Leaving the wash and entering the slickrock wonderland.

Route-finding up the base of South Guardian Angel.

There it is peeking out.

Once you get to the false summit, keep to the left.

A view of the peak, with the peak's crazy slope on the right.

The short Class 3/4 section.

Looking back along the slabby Class 3/4 section.

Summit! The Subway is on the left, far below.

Back into the Left Fork of North Creek...

A great swim.

Rather than bring rappelling gear, I remembered from the last time I did the Subway (three days ago) that you can jump a 2-3 foot chasm and downclimb on a log on the opposite side. You can see people rappelling in the background.

Heading up the last elevation gain bit to get to the Left Fork trailhead.
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