Starting along the Pepperwood Trail.

The Pepperwood Trail meanders through the shrubs and boulders for a while.

Bow Willow Peak seen ahead. The route leads to the left of it before Sombrero Peak even comes into view.

View back at some wind turbines.

A confusing junction. Follow the sign, even though the trail seems less obvious than the other options.

Now on a dirt road, Bow Willow Peak seen ahead.

An old homestead/barn of some sort.

View back along the extended dirt road walk section.

A junction, where I kept right.

View back in the general direction of the trailhead as I ascend toward the north side of Bow Willow Peak.

Sombrero Peak comes into view, then the road starts descending again.

Pretty scenery as I descend from Bow Willow Peak.

View back toward Bow Willow Peak.

The singletrack led me onward through a pretty granitic landscape.

It wrapped in and out of gullies as I slowly made my way toward Sombrero Peak.

Sombrero Peak ahead.

Open view shortly before reaching the west ridge of Sombrero Peak.

I left the trail and headed toward Sombrero Peak, seen ahead.

The terrain is a bit complex here, lumpy hills and granite boulders making the most efficient option unclear. Plus there's some brush to avoid.

View back the way I came along the west ridge of Sombrero Peak.

I found myself wrapping around clusters of boulders like these.

At the base of Sombrero Peak, an old sign marking a poor social trail.

Class 2 up the slope. I kept to the right of the wall ahead.

View back down the Class 2 slope.

Class 3 scramble option.

A fun crawl-through along the way up.

Sombrero Peak summit ahead.

Sombrero Peak summit, view east.

Sombrero Peak summit, view north toward the Jacumba Mountains.
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