Hike Soldier Basin Peaks Loop via Soldier Creek and Hidden Lakes Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, NV

Lower Soldier Creek Trailhead. I parked here and walked the road since I didn't want to try and cross Soldier Creek in my car.

Upper Soldier Creek Trailhead.

Ascending the narrow Soldier Creek Trail.

Sometimes overgrown, but overall in great shape. Plus, the cliffy outcroppings on either side of Soldier Creek were wonderful.

View back down Soldier Creek.

Ascending next to Soldier Creek, flowing heavily.

Emerging above tree line into Soldier Basin.

View back, Soldier Peak seen top. That's my last peak of the day later.

Continuing into Soldier Basin.

View back, passing a junction with the Ross Creek Trail.

Soldier Basin's northern reaches. First I headed along the Hidden Lakes Trail, which brings me toward the peaks seen top right.

View back along the Soldier Creek Trail.

Junction with the Hidden Lakes Trail. I took a right here, leaving the Soldier Creek Trail.

Ascending toward Hidden Lakes.

View back. In the center you can see the ridge I'd hike along later to reach Soldier Peak (seen far left).

Progress up to Hidden Lakes, Peak 10550 seen poking out on the left.

Another shot back, Soldier Peak seen left.

Almost at Hidden Lakes, a view into Soldier Basin and Peak 9850 (right).

Hidden Lakes. I went up the slope seen center to reach John Day Benchmark.

View back at one of the Hidden Lakes.

Class 2 slope. I reached the ridgeline via a weakness in the cliffs above.

Hidden Lakes below. You can also see the Soldier Lakes in the distance.

Along the ridgeline, headed toward John Day Benchmark.

John Day Benchmark ahead.

John Day Benchmark, view north. Soldier Peak left, Peak 9850 right.

John Day Benchmark, view west. Soldier Creek drains on the right.

Wide shot south from John Day Benchmark.

Continuing south from John Day Benchmark. Peak 10360 seen left, and Peak 10550 just behind it, my next two summits.

Approaching the base of Peak 10360.

Some Class 3.

Along the rib, navigating Class 2/3 terrain with drop-offs on either side. Ahead is a Class 3 move with some exposure.

Class 3 crux.

View back along Peak 10360's rib. John Day Benchmark seen top center.

Summit of Peak 10360, view south.

Wide shot down toward Hidden Lakes. John Day Benchmark top left.

I backtracked and wrapped around Peak 10360's west side. Class 2 ledges on a steep slope seen here. Peak 10550 center.

View back as I wrap around Peak 10360.

Peak 10550 seen center. I contoured over to the ridgeline.

Nearing the base of Peak 10550. An animal trail led me much of the way up the peak. Robinson Lake seen below.

Heading toward Peak 10550.

View back toward Peak 10360.

Tundra higher up.

Approaching the summit area of Peak 10550. I kept along the ridge (Class 3/4) on the way up, good fun. The route can be kept Class 2/3 if you wrap to the right and avoid the crest.

Wide shot back toward Peak 10360 (center) and Soldier Peak (top right).

Rocky terrain near the summit of Peak 10550.

View south from Peak 10550.

Close-up toward Green Benchmark and Old Man of the Mountains. Cold Lakes seen center.

Close-up toward Robinson Lake and Soldier Lakes. My plan is to reach the lightly-colored rim in the center.

I backtracked from Peak 10550 and started down the Cold Creek Trail back into Soldier Basin.

Gorgeous views, but the trail petered out and I completely lost it.

Cairns helped mark the way through a small cliff band, but it was mostly just open meadow hiking.

Descending into Soldier Basin. I headed to the rim on the right.

View back toward Peak 10550.

Soldier Lakes right, Peak 9850 seen top left.

Approaching the rim, off trail.

View back, Peak 10550 seen right of center.

Heading along the lengthy rim walk toward Peak 9850.

A shot east down into Ruby Valley.

Entering a short section of forest.

View back the way I came, Soldier Lakes in the distance.

A dip along the rim. Peak 9850 seen ahead.

Gorgeous cliffs on the side of Peak 9850.

A wider shot back the way I came. Peak 10550 seen right of center.

Close-up back along the rim.

Higher up, another shot back. I loved this area.

Peak 9850 summit, just a big lump. I continued north-ish, contouring along the slope.

Soldier Peak seen ahead. I hiked along the slope and gained the ridge seen right of center.

Approaching the ridge. Soldier Creek seen left.

View back. I reached the Ross Creek Trail, which was in poor shape. I continued cross-country.

Soldier Peak ahead.

View back. I followed a fence line much of the way to Soldier Peak.

Some fencing remains before reaching the base of Soldier Peak.

At the base of Soldier Peak.

View back, Peak 9850 seen center.

There was an animal/social trail for parts of the ascent to Soldier Peak.

Nearing the summit, seen ahead. The crest was steep, so I kept just right of it on the slope.

View back.

Soldier Peak, view south. John Day Benchmark seen left.

Close-up into the Solider Creek drainage.

I backtracked from Soldier Peak and descended to the Soldier Creek Trail. The slope was very brushy.

I found that sticking to a ditch between the slopes worked best, since the brush was less awful.
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