From my parking spot, starting up toward the wash on the left. The Soda Mountains High Point is up on the top right somewhere.

Entering the wide mouth of the unnamed wash.

A major wash junction ahead, high point seen on the right. I kept right at the fork.

After ascending toward Soda Mountains High Point, I located this lower-angle gully on the left which I could use to gain the ridgeline.

Class 2 up this drainage.

Some fun Class 2 dryfall obstacles.

From the ridgeline, view back down the drainage into the major wash I came out of.

Ascending north toward the peak.

Some Class 2 along the way.

View back. I came up the wash (left) and then the gully (center).

Pretty chill terrain along the south ridge.

Minor Class 2 to the summit.

Soda Mountains High Point summit just ahead.

Close-up east toward the windy washes. you can also see I-15 in the center.

Onward from the high point toward Peak 3461, the small hump in the center. I descended using the slope on the far right.

Some Class 2, but mostly it was a straightforward descent to the saddle (seen right). Peak 3461 top center.

Some Class 2 up to Peak 3461.

Peak 3461, view back toward Soda Mountains High Point (right).

Close-up in the drainage system I'll be heading into shortly.

I continued along the ridgeline and descended this loose slope.

Upper minor fork, which drained into progressively wider washes.

Another fork. Aside from some sporadic Class 2, it was sort of like this all the way back to the main wash.
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