Snowdon Peak from Andrews Lake in San Juan National Forest, CO

Hike Snowdon Peak from Andrews Lake San Juan National Forest, CO

Class 3 6.3 miles 2600 gain 3-5 hrs Out + Back Jul 17, 2018

Snowdon Peak from Andrews Lake GPX Track

I need to offset my substantial website costs somehow! You can download a hike/drive GPX to assist you here. Before sharing my GPX tracks with others, please remember my site is otherwise a free resource.

Since my lens I usually use is totally broken at this point, I used a less wide one. My new lens comes soon, but I'm pretty annoyed with the lack of wide shots I got today.

Starting from Andrews Lake, follow a well-maintained trail to a trail register, where you turn left and head into beautiful meadows beneath Snowdon Peak. A use trail brings you through some marsh (expect to get your feet soggy), and lots of social trails jut out on either side, so do your best to follow the correect route. Eventually, the trail becomes more obvious as it leads you steeply up a gully north of Snowdon Peak. The trail disintegrates once the gully ends, but finding your way across the first short ridge shouldn't take too much effort. his short ridge ends just before the featured, beautiful dragon-tail-like spine. A social trail follows just left of the spine and then once the ridge widens, mostly useless cairns mark the way. You can easily turn this into Class 4 like I did on the way up, but if you stay just left of the ridgeline and look for Class 2 and low Class 3 stuff, you can make the summit without adding extra difficulty or exposure. You can see the popular and iconic Engineer Mountain along the way in the distance.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Snowdon Peak
13077 ft
1317 rise

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Starting from Andrews Lake.
Starting from Andrews Lake.
Looking back toward Andrews Lake.
Looking back toward Andrews Lake.
Image 2 from gallery
Image 3 from gallery
Image 4 from gallery
Snowdon Peak peeking through the trees.
Snowdon Peak peeking through the trees.
Looking back the way I came, shortly before leaving the official trail.
Looking back the way I came, shortly before leaving the official trail.
Along the social trail leading through the meadows at the base of Snowdon Peak.
Along the social trail leading through the meadows at the base of Snowdon Peak.
Image 8 from gallery
Image 9 from gallery
Leaving the marshes and meadows and entering the woods for a while.
Leaving the marshes and meadows and entering the woods for a while.
A creek with a mini waterfall along the social trail.
A creek with a mini waterfall along the social trail.
Another section of meadows as the sun starting coming out.
Another section of meadows as the sun starting coming out.
Looking back through the meadows.
Looking back through the meadows.
Image 14 from gallery
The trail begins climbing more steeply through the forest.
The trail begins climbing more steeply through the forest.
Very steep trail (left), Snowdon Peak (right).
Very steep trail (left), Snowdon Peak (right).
Steep social trail.
Steep social trail.
At the top of the steep gully, take the short ridge on the left, which leads to a gap before starting the main ridge (center and right).
At the top of the steep gully, take the short ridge on the left, which leads to a gap before starting the main ridge (center and right).
Looking back down the gully.
Looking back down the gully.
Close-up of the dragon-scale ridge.
Close-up of the dragon-scale ridge.
Image 21 from gallery
iPhone pano (ugh) since my wide angle lens is broken *sniff*
iPhone pano (ugh) since my wide angle lens is broken *sniff*
Starting up the ridge.
Starting up the ridge.
Looking Back down the ridgeline.
Looking Back down the ridgeline.
Some convoluted section.
Some convoluted section.
Class 2+ sections. It looks more exposed than it is.
Class 2+ sections. It looks more exposed than it is.
Almost at Snowdon Peak summit, looking back down.
Almost at Snowdon Peak summit, looking back down.
Just past the Snowdon Peak summit, looking toward South Snowdon Peak.
Just past the Snowdon Peak summit, looking toward South Snowdon Peak.
Close-up looking southeast.
Close-up looking southeast.
Closeup of Engineer Mountain (top right).
Closeup of Engineer Mountain (top right).
Another summit shot.
Another summit shot.
On the way back, the lighting on Snowdon Peak was nicer.
On the way back, the lighting on Snowdon Peak was nicer.
Flowers and mountains on the way back.
Flowers and mountains on the way back.

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!