Parked here, at the Hole-in-the-Rock

Heading into the Slit Canyon mouth.

Getting closer through the alluvial fan.

Looking back at Hole-in-the-Rock from Slit Canyon's mouth.

Entering Slit Canyon.

First dry fall, there's a Class 2 route up and around on the right.

Looking down from the spot to avoid the first dryfall.

First narrows, above the dryfall.

I assume this is the slit part of Slit Canyon.

The canyon begins to open for a bit.

Approaching a 40 foot dryfall. The Class 2+ route to avoid it goes to the left, up that slope.

Closeup of the falls.

Looking down the way I came on the alternate route to avoid the dryfall.

Second section of narrows, above the dryfall.

Looking down the dryfall.

Relatively narrow for some time.

Canyon opens up for a while.

Entering narrows section 3.

Looking back toward the third narrows.

Slit Canyon opens up significantly after this point.
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