Class 3 6.7 miles 2400 gain 3-5 hrs Out + Back Dec 12, 2017

Slit Canyon GPX Track

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The hike to Slit Canyon begins at Hole-in-the-Rock, a split in a long ridge, accessible by any car. The turnoff onto Hole-in-the-Rock Road is located at 36.4047573,-116.7828029.

I headed through the gap and ascended the alluvial fan leading to Slit Canyon's mouth. Aside from your typical Death Valley canyon obstacles like boulder hopping and Class 2/3 baby dryfalls, there are also a couple of impassable dry falls with side trails to get around them. The "slit" in Slit Canyon is just a particularly narrow section, short but cool. The canyon widens a bit before the third set of narrows, and then widens further and doesn't seem to narrow up again after the third set, which is where I turned around. Really, Slit Canyon's most interesting bit ends after the second section of narrows, but after that it's pretty and remote and maybe worth going farther for some.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Parked here, at the Hole-in-the-Rock
Parked here, at the Hole-in-the-Rock
Heading into the Slit Canyon mouth.
Heading into the Slit Canyon mouth.
Getting closer through the alluvial fan.
Getting closer through the alluvial fan.
Looking back at Hole-in-the-Rock from Slit Canyon's mouth.
Looking back at Hole-in-the-Rock from Slit Canyon's mouth.
Entering Slit Canyon.
Entering Slit Canyon.
First dry fall, there's a Class 2 route up and around on the right.
First dry fall, there's a Class 2 route up and around on the right.
Looking down from the spot to avoid the first dryfall.
Looking down from the spot to avoid the first dryfall.
First narrows, above the dryfall.
First narrows, above the dryfall.
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I assume this is the slit part of Slit Canyon.
I assume this is the slit part of Slit Canyon.
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The canyon begins to open for a bit.
The canyon begins to open for a bit.
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Approaching a 40 foot dryfall. The Class 2+ route to avoid it goes to the left, up that slope.
Approaching a 40 foot dryfall. The Class 2+ route to avoid it goes to the left, up that slope.
Closeup of the falls.
Closeup of the falls.
Looking down the way I came on the alternate route to avoid the dryfall.
Looking down the way I came on the alternate route to avoid the dryfall.
Second section of narrows, above the dryfall.
Second section of narrows, above the dryfall.
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Looking down the dryfall.
Looking down the dryfall.
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Relatively narrow for some time.
Relatively narrow for some time.
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Canyon opens up for a while.
Canyon opens up for a while.
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Entering narrows section 3.
Entering narrows section 3.
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Looking back toward the third narrows.
Looking back toward the third narrows.
Slit Canyon opens up significantly after this point.
Slit Canyon opens up significantly after this point.

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!