Along the social trail leading to the head of Slideanide Canyon. Henry Mountains visible in the distance.

The optional rappel.

We wrapped around to the east side of Slideanide Canyon and entered via a slab downclimb.

Within Slideanide Canyon.

One of many elevators.

A long down-climb, overall straightforward.

Friends making progress down the long down-climb.

Bottom of the long down-climb.

View back up the long down-climb.

Continuing through more narrows.

Slideanide Canyon opens up into a beautiful section with a water-stained wall.

And then it narrows up shortly after and descends.

Beautiful sculpted narrows.

Fun move under a chockstone.

Last bit to the end of the canyon, the final drop visible below.

Out of the narrows.

View toward the last drop of Slideanide Canyon.

The chamber at the end of Slideanide Canyon's narrows.

View back as we continue down the drainage.

Some water and trees as we continue down the draiange.

An escape ramp on the left side.

Heading up the escape route. The drainage we came out of is visible on the left.

Class 3 move.

View back down at our progress.

Slab ascent.

Last Class 3 move to reach the rim. A social trail led back to the trailhead.
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