From Pine Road, heading along Lower Duck Pond Trail.

Pay station. I kept right at the junction ahead.

Crossing a creek before the trail heads north.

Heading toward Duck Pond.

Duck Pond, Sky Top seen top left.

View back toward Duck Pond.

Junction with the Duck Pond Trail.

Along the Duck Pond Trail, which starts very mellow.

Duck Pond Trail.

The Duck Pond Trail ascends past a carriage road.

Talus-hopping along the Duck Pond Trail.

Looking back at a junction with Forest Drive as I start up the Staircliff Path.

Ascending the Staircliff Path.

Approaching the base of the cliffs below Sky Top.

Fun scrambling along the Staircliff Path.

A fun crawl-through with a constructed ladder.

View back at a steep section along the cliff face.

The Staircliff Path emerges into an open talus field.

Junction with The Labyrinth and Lemon Squeeze (top right).

Heading up the Lemon Squeeze.

View back down the first set of ladders.

Ascending into a wet slot.

View back down the first climb.

At the end of the slot is another ladder.

View back down this more narrow ladder. Above this is a short Class 3 section.

View back down into The Lemon Squeeze after topping out.

View after exiting the Lemon Squeeze.

A little bridge spans the Lemon Squeeze gap.

View back, Lemon Squeeze below me.

Another short Class 3 section below Sky Top.

Staircase to the summit.

Sky Top summit memorial tower.

Mohonk Mountain House down there. I took the carriage road down.

Mohonk Mountian House.

Crowded, pleasant trail down.

Fun boardwalks along the way down.

There were little detour paths that spanned the monoliths forming The Labyrinth below.

Along Mohonk Lake.

The Labyrinth strt.

Lots of fun wandering through the Labyrinth.

You can see one of the boardwalks above.

Cool crawl spaces.

And lots of bridges over trickier boulder-hops.

Hugging the cliff face below Sky Top for the last bit.

Eventually the Labyrinth ascended to the junction with the Lemon Squeeze.
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