Pacific Crest Trail, starting up to Skinner Peak.

I'll eventually be up on that ridge in the center, after the long and winding PCT decides to get me there.

Wyleys Knob visible center, Bird Spring Pass visible on the right (where I parked). Note the road scar zig-zagging up to Wyleys Knob - that's what I used as my ascent later to that peak.

Lots of switchbacks up the southern slopes toward Skinner Peak.

Finally nearing the east ridge of Skinner Peak.

Skinner Peak top left somewhere.

Looking back, Bird Spring Pass visible on the right.

Looking back along the east ridge along the PCT.

The PCT passes over the east ridge of Skinner Peak and continues northwest. However, to reach the peak, I knew I had to leave the trail and head up the slope on the right.

Looking back before leaving the trail.

I left the PCT and did some minor bushwhacking (barely) to get to the summit of Skinner Peak.

Skinner Peak, view toward Wyleys Knob (center).

Back at Bird Spring Pass, I continued southwest along the PCT.

Wyleys Knob on the left. Note the zig zag scar up its slope - that's the "trail" I'd ultimately use to get to the summit as not to take the stupid dirt road.

Looking back toward Skinner Peak.

Wyleys Knob ahead.

I left the trail and ascended a hundred feet up a steep slope to reach the dirt road, where I encountered this fence, reading closed to motor vehicles.

I continued up the previously mentioned zig-zag road (really just a trail at this point) to the summit of Wyleys Knob.

You can see the approach road for Wyleys Knob and the PCT paralleling it below.

Looking back toward Skinner Peak.

Wyleys Knob ahead.

Looking back just before reaching Wyleys Knob.

Wyleys Knob ahead.

Wyleys Knob summit.
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