Silver Benchmark in Creek Range BLM, NV

Hike Silver Benchmark Creek Range BLM, NV

Class 2 5.4 miles 2000 gain 3-5 hrs Out + Back May 17, 2020

Silver Benchmark GPX Track

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Set far back from pretty much anything else of note, Silver Benchmark ended up being a pleasant and remote Nevada hike. The approach roads are in great shape, but may require some satellite research to ensure your approach road is okay. I came in from the east, and used this road (38.28033, -114.81546) to reach the trailhead marked on my trip report. I left via the west on Silver King Road (38.29783, -115.02976), and this road was equally as good. The spot I parked my car is accessible by almost any vehicle, though 2WD may have to walk an extra mile or so. I couldn't go any farther though, because the road became too narrow, only passable by ATVs.

I followed the very narrow and deteriorating road/trail through forested terrain and up to a saddle called Big Mud Pass. Here, I took a spur road on the right into a wide open meadow. The meadow gave me a great view toward Silver Benchmark as well as back toward the trailhead. This spur road led steeply up a hill through the meadow and then abruptly ended. I continued east, some light tree-dodging leading me to the southern ridge of Silver Benchmark. I continued up this ridge, keeping left at a couple of rock outcroppings, instead choosing to side-hill a little rather than risk scrambling to nowhere. The route was steep at points and did require some light Class 2.

The summit ridge added some interesting features to the hike. I could see the summit was guarded by a small cliff band, but before the cliff band was a rocky ridge crest that seemed to get sketchy. I kept just to the right of the crest and hugged the rock ridge from below, keeping the traverse Class 2. About halfway across the ridge when the right side seemed to dip away significantly, I climbed back up to the crest and then dropped down to the base of the guarded summit. Following the cliff band, I continued to the left and found a Class 2 weakness and scrambled up to mellow terrain for the final push to the summit.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Silver Benchmark
8166 ft
2006 rise

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Following an ATV road/trail, Silver Benchmark visible on the right.
Following an ATV road/trail, Silver Benchmark visible on the right.
Just past Big Mud Pass, starting through a meadow on the right using a spur road away from the main ATV trail.
Just past Big Mud Pass, starting through a meadow on the right using a spur road away from the main ATV trail.
Continuing through the meadow, Silver Benchmark above. This spur road climbs the hill on the right and abruptly ends.
Continuing through the meadow, Silver Benchmark above. This spur road climbs the hill on the right and abruptly ends.
Looking back toward the trees where I emerged on the spur road.
Looking back toward the trees where I emerged on the spur road.
The spur road ended, so I continued on pleasant terrain to the base of Silver Benchmark's southern ridge.
The spur road ended, so I continued on pleasant terrain to the base of Silver Benchmark's southern ridge.
Looking back toward the meadow as I ascent the ridge, Big Mud Pass on the right.
Looking back toward the meadow as I ascent the ridge, Big Mud Pass on the right.
Some Class 2 required, but mostly side-hilling to avoid the ridge crest.
Some Class 2 required, but mostly side-hilling to avoid the ridge crest.
Looking back at some Class 2 as I ascend the ridge. Big Mud Pass and the pretty little meadow visible below on the right. My car is somewhere in the trees in the center of this photo.
Looking back at some Class 2 as I ascend the ridge. Big Mud Pass and the pretty little meadow visible below on the right. My car is somewhere in the trees in the center of this photo.
Looking back again as I gain the ridge crest when the terrain seemed more reasonable.
Looking back again as I gain the ridge crest when the terrain seemed more reasonable.
Approaching the false summit of Silver Benchmark, just before the crux of the route.
Approaching the false summit of Silver Benchmark, just before the crux of the route.
Almost at the false summit. Silver Benchmark visible on the right.
Almost at the false summit. Silver Benchmark visible on the right.
Looking back the way I came.
Looking back the way I came.
Ridge traverse from the false summit to the true summit. I recommend keeping to the right of the rocky ridge, and then cross over just below the summit cliff band.
Ridge traverse from the false summit to the true summit. I recommend keeping to the right of the rocky ridge, and then cross over just below the summit cliff band.
Class 2 on the right side of the ridge.
Class 2 on the right side of the ridge.
Approaching the summit cliff band. I followed the base of the cliffs on the left until I discovered a weakness (Class 2) to gain the summit area.
Approaching the summit cliff band. I followed the base of the cliffs on the left until I discovered a weakness (Class 2) to gain the summit area.
On the summit area, looking back toward the ridge I just traversed. Just below is the Class 2 weakness I used to access the summit area.
On the summit area, looking back toward the ridge I just traversed. Just below is the Class 2 weakness I used to access the summit area.
Silver Benchmark summit, view north.
Silver Benchmark summit, view north.
Image 17 from gallery

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!