Class 2 5.2 miles 1900 gain 2-4 hrs Out + Back Apr 2, 2024

Silver Bell Peak GPX Track

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Silver Bell Peak is the high point of Ironwood Forest National Monument. The land surrounding it is dotted with private property, and a major mine lies to the south. I followed what most seem to think is the best route to reach Silver Bell Peak, finding it straightforward and without trespassing. I came in from the south via the Gasline Road here (32.37119, -111.38424) and exited via the northern route, joining East Sasco Road here (32.48327, -111.51518). You need a Crossover SUV or better due to numerous dips in the road. Head west here (32.40798, -111.42134) to reach the trailhead. I made it without issue to the trailhead in my Crossover SUV, parking at a guzzler built for wildlife.

Silver Bell Peak's summit is hidden from view from the trailhead, blocked by a false summit on its east ridge. The terrain around here is generally pretty loose and prickly. Although I was tempted to ascend directly to the ridge, I decided rather than try to navigate through endless cacti and brush, I'd first reach a substantial drainage. From the trailhead, I hiked up and down some initial lumpiness in order to drop into this more pleasant route option. Once I was within this drainage, I didn't want to leave it, staying within for almost its entirety and only exiting briefly when the brush got too much in my way, which didn't happen too often. Farther up the drainage, the sandiness turned rocky, and I found myself boulder-hopping a bit. The banks were brushy and therefore less efficient, so I decided to just have some fun on the Class 2 boulders rather than bushwhack.

At some point, the drainage started getting steeper and branched off in many directions, so I curved right as others have done, leading up to Silver Bell Peak's northern ridge. On my right, I saw another guzzler, but I didn't approach because there were some bighorn sheep heading over toward it. The guzzler served as a nice foreground for the gorgeous Ragged Top to the north. What a sight from here! I headed south along the rocky ridge, which had some light brush, to the summit of Silver Bell Peak. There was a bit of Class 2, and maybe even some Class 2+, just before the top. The Silver Bell mining operation below was a spectacle to behold. I returned the same way.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Silver Bell Peak
4261 ft
1921 rise

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Wildlife guzzler at the trailhead, a false summit of Silver Bell Peak seen top left.
Wildlife guzzler at the trailhead, a false summit of Silver Bell Peak seen top left.
After hiking through the lumpy desert, I reached this wash.
After hiking through the lumpy desert, I reached this wash.
Following the wash.
Following the wash.
Silver Bell Peak seen ahead.
Silver Bell Peak seen ahead.
Wash gets rockier.
Wash gets rockier.
Continuing up the wash.
Continuing up the wash.
Silver Bell Peak left of center.
Silver Bell Peak left of center.
Some Class 2 obstacles, view back within the wash.
Some Class 2 obstacles, view back within the wash.
Eventually the wash became many tributaries, so I headed up to the ridge via a rocky gully.
Eventually the wash became many tributaries, so I headed up to the ridge via a rocky gully.
View back down the gully I came up.
View back down the gully I came up.
Ragged Top on the left, another wildlife guzzler in the foreground. I came up from the gully on the right.
Ragged Top on the left, another wildlife guzzler in the foreground. I came up from the gully on the right.
Close-up of Ragged Top.
Close-up of Ragged Top.
Onward toward Silver Bell Peak.
Onward toward Silver Bell Peak.
View back. Ragged Top seen top left.
View back. Ragged Top seen top left.
Silver Bell Peak is up there somewhere.
Silver Bell Peak is up there somewhere.
Steep slope with some light brush.
Steep slope with some light brush.
Class 2 ridgeline to the summit.
Class 2 ridgeline to the summit.
Silber Bell Peak summit, view north.
Silber Bell Peak summit, view north.
Silber Bell Peak summit, view south toward the Silver Bell Mine.
Silber Bell Peak summit, view south toward the Silver Bell Mine.
Close-up of the guzzler and the gully I came up (right).
Close-up of the guzzler and the gully I came up (right).

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!