Wildlife guzzler at the trailhead, a false summit of Silver Bell Peak seen top left.

After hiking through the lumpy desert, I reached this wash.

Following the wash.

Silver Bell Peak seen ahead.

Wash gets rockier.

Continuing up the wash.

Silver Bell Peak left of center.

Some Class 2 obstacles, view back within the wash.

Eventually the wash became many tributaries, so I headed up to the ridge via a rocky gully.

View back down the gully I came up.

Ragged Top on the left, another wildlife guzzler in the foreground. I came up from the gully on the right.

Close-up of Ragged Top.

Onward toward Silver Bell Peak.

View back. Ragged Top seen top left.

Silver Bell Peak is up there somewhere.

Steep slope with some light brush.

Class 2 ridgeline to the summit.

Silber Bell Peak summit, view north.

Silber Bell Peak summit, view south toward the Silver Bell Mine.

Close-up of the guzzler and the gully I came up (right).
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