Signal Peak via Oak Grove Trail in Dixie National Forest, UT

Hike Signal Peak via Oak Grove Trail Dixie National Forest, UT

Class 1 9.4 miles 4400 gain 4-6 hrs Out + Back Sep 21, 2017

Signal Peak via Oak Grove Trail GPX Track

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Signal Peak is the high point of the Pine Valley Mountains, and a high-prominence peak overlooking St. George. The range likely doesn't get as much visitation as it deserves because of its proximity to the many world-class desert destinations nearby, but the area offers lovely hiking. The Oak Grove Trail starts on the southern side of the range, while most other routes that reach Signal Peak begin on the north side. This hike is quite pretty and has great views into the desert, the nrothern trails are tucked into the forest and have more vegetation, such as the Forsyth Trail.

Reaching the Oak Grove Trailhead requires driving through Silver Reef, UT toward the Oak Grove Campground along a maintained dirt road should be fine for any vehicle. This hike begins in a hotter elevation within typical Utah scrubland and ascends to the forested summit of Signal Peak. Even though the scrub oak might encroach a bit, the trail is in good shape. A bit of wandering in the foothills of the Pine Valley Mountains leads to many switchbacks along a protruding slope/ridge. The trail switchbacks fairly steeply up this slope, maintaining its intensity the whole way to the rim. The south side of the Pine Valley Mountains are cliffy and steep, but the Oak Grove Trail manages to find a way up to the rim above. Scrubland transitioned to large pines, and large boulders poked out of the slopes amongst the foliage.

Once I reached the rim above, the trail loses some elevation as it continues north and then west, joining the Summit Trail. A bit of pretty forest walking with sporadic meadows changed the vibe of the hike significantly, and it was much colder up here than when hiking along the cliffy slopes below. The Summit Trail leads to the north side of Signal Peak, though it does not lead to the summit. I left the trail at a cairn, though you really could start up whenever you want since the forest is sparsely vegetated and the bushwhacking is mininal. The route continued to the high point, though for so much elevation gain you'd hope for a summit view, but you won't find one here.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Signal Peak
10365 ft
4485 rise

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A narrow trail leads up the side of the mountain.
A narrow trail leads up the side of the mountain.
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At the pass, before heading through a forested area.
At the pass, before heading through a forested area.
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Passing a few meadows amongst the forest.
Passing a few meadows amongst the forest.
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Further Water Valley, Signal Peak is that rising green ridge ahead.
Further Water Valley, Signal Peak is that rising green ridge ahead.
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Leave the trail and head up the ridge to the summit. There were cairns, but really you don't need them.
Leave the trail and head up the ridge to the summit. There were cairns, but really you don't need them.
Signal Peak summit view. Lol.
Signal Peak summit view. Lol.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!