Sierra Ladrones visible from the trailhead.

Passing an old stone house along the old road.

Piping along a trail past the end of the old road.

A spring.

The trail leads to this shoulder, a view of the peak ahead. I continued up the shrubby-looking steep slope on the right.

View back down, some Class 2. The road I hiked in on is seen top left.

Flatter section higher up.

Close-up of the route. I continued along the ridgeline right, then ascended the brushy-looking slope. You can see the ridgeline notch obstacles from here.

Closer shot of the slope to gain the ridge.

Some brush lower down.

Talus and small rock outcroppings spread across the slope.

View back. I came up from the ridge seen left of center.

One of a few talus gullies.

Another shot back when I reached the ridge crest. I came from the center.

Along the ridgeline.

Class 3.

A shot back at some of the obstacles along the crest.

Wider shot back farther along. You can see my approach ridge on the far right.

Ladrones Benchmark left, Ladron Peak right.

A short scramble into a notch.

Looking back at the notch.

Approaching the summit.

Final shot back as I near the summit of Ladrones Benchmark.

Now over to Ladron Peak, descending on tedious terrain.

View back up at the descent from Ladrones Benchmark.

At the saddle, looking over toward Ladron Peak.

Ladron Peak above, some Class 2 and brush at the start.

View back at the saddle and the descent from Ladrones Benchmark.

I chose to stick close to the crest when possible.

View back down at the tedious terrain.

Some scrambling along the crest.

Class 3 move to overcome a crest outcropping.

View back as I approach the final summit section.

Class 3 slabs to the summit. There were other options to get up as well.

Ladron Peak, view east.

Back on Ladrones Benchmark, I started down the northwest ridge.

Some Class 3 along the crest.

View back up at the narrow portion along the northwest ridge.

Continuing along the crest, some more obstacles.

View back at the majority of the Class 2/3 along the crest.

Ladron Peak seen left, Ladrones Benchmark center.

Avoiding a cliff along the crest by taking a gully on the left.

View back at the cliff (gully descent on the right).

More scrambling along the way down.

Another cliff, avoided via Class 2/2+ from the notch center.

I dropped off the ridge when I could, now heading to the low shoulder seen center. That's where my approach route was.

View back up toward the northwest ridge.

Talus, then a grassy slope, then a traverse through the basin below to regain the shoulder.
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