I parked at the end of the poor dirt road, where lots of people seem to like shooting and leaving their garbage. I continued into the open desert ahead. The ridge I'm heading for is left of center.

The terrain looked a bit like this for a while. I'm heading for the ridge just left of center.

Some boulder-hopping in the wash. The ridge Ill be ascending is visible center.

Looking back into the wash I ascended out of as I head up the Class 2 ridge.

The Class 2/3 stuff to come.

Another shot back down.

Minor Class 3 along the way.

View back.

Close-up of my progress up the ridge.

Nearing a false summit (right). Sierra Estrella High Point comes into view once I get up there. An unnamed craggy-looking peak is visible on the left. My friend recommends doing it, but I left it behind unfortunately :(

View back as I ascend to the false summit. The eastern part of the range visible on the left. The ridge I came up is seen coming up from the far right.

Sierra Estrella High Point ahead.

View toward the unnamed peak mentioned previously, which looks very cool.

Class 2 to Sierra Estrella High Point.

Sierra Estrella High Point, view back along the ridge.

Sierra Estrella High Point, view east toward the rest of the range.

Close-up toward the rest of the range.

A shot within my descent gully/drainage choice, which was just to the southeast of my ascent ridge. I thought it had some nice obstacles.

Another pic of the pretty descent gully/drainage.
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