Sierra Estrella High Point (Hayes Peak) in Estrella Mountains BLM, AZ

Hike Sierra Estrella High Point (Hayes Peak) Estrella Mountains BLM, AZ

Class 3 5.2 miles 3100 gain 3-5 hrs Out + Back Nov 9, 2019

Sierra Estrella High Point (Hayes Peak) GPX Track

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The high point of the Sierra Estrella Range, also locally known also as Hayes Peak, is located just south of Phoenix. Though the high point of the range, there's a trail leading to another peak called Quartz Peak farther south in the range, which attracts more visitation than the true Sierra Estrella High Point. I opted to do this route today, realizing Quartz Peak didn't even have enough prominence to be a true "peak". The road leading to the trailhead was very sandy and I highly recommend 4WD to get through it. The road to reach the trailhead is called Riggs Road, but Google won't navigate using this road, so ignore the GPS. There are sporadic signs reading "Trail", but this is referring to the Quartz Peak Trailhead. At the end of Riggs Road, I turned north on a road that was rocky and poor, but I risked it with my car and made it to the unmarked trailhead, except of course by countless bullet casings because people who like to shoot guns apparently don't like to clean up after themselves. Cars with poor tires likely would want to start before driving this spur road.

From the trailhead, I wandered through the desert, eventually locating a wash that allowed for easier access through the desert. A minor ridge materialized to the north of the wash, which I followed. I decided to take the gully to the southeast of my chosen ascent ridge on my way back down, which you'll see in my attached map. The ridge was pretty fun, with lots of Class 2 scrambling and the occasional easy Class 3 move. If you feel lost or cliffed-out, keep to the south side, where the ridge is less steep and rocky. Eventually, Sierra Estrella High Point came into view, only a bit more Class 2 on a less steep ridge between me and the peak. There were all sorts of messy radio towers on the summit, but the views south toward the rest of the Sierra Estrella Mountains were nice.

On the way down, I dropped off the ridge to explore the gully. It went fine, with some Class 3 downclimbs and pretty slickrock sections. I'd recommend going up the ridge and descending the wash for some variety.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Sierra Estrella High Point (Hayes Peak)
4512 ft
3212 rise

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I parked at the end of the poor dirt road, where lots of people seem to like shooting and leaving their garbage. I continued into the open desert ahead. The ridge I'm heading for is left of center.
I parked at the end of the poor dirt road, where lots of people seem to like shooting and leaving their garbage. I continued into the open desert ahead. The ridge I'm heading for is left of center.
The terrain looked a bit like this for a while. I'm heading for the ridge just left of center.
The terrain looked a bit like this for a while. I'm heading for the ridge just left of center.
Some boulder-hopping in the wash. The ridge Ill be ascending is visible center.
Some boulder-hopping in the wash. The ridge Ill be ascending is visible center.
Looking back into the wash I ascended out of as I head up the Class 2 ridge.
Looking back into the wash I ascended out of as I head up the Class 2 ridge.
The Class 2/3 stuff to come.
The Class 2/3 stuff to come.
Another shot back down.
Another shot back down.
Minor Class 3 along the way.
Minor Class 3 along the way.
View back.
View back.
Close-up of my progress up the ridge.
Close-up of my progress up the ridge.
Nearing a false summit (right). Sierra Estrella High Point comes into view once I get up there. An unnamed craggy-looking peak is visible on the left. My friend recommends doing it, but I left it behind unfortunately :(
Nearing a false summit (right). Sierra Estrella High Point comes into view once I get up there. An unnamed craggy-looking peak is visible on the left. My friend recommends doing it, but I left it behind unfortunately :(
View back as I ascend to the false summit. The eastern part of the range visible on the left. The ridge I came up is seen coming up from the far right.
View back as I ascend to the false summit. The eastern part of the range visible on the left. The ridge I came up is seen coming up from the far right.
Sierra Estrella High Point ahead.
Sierra Estrella High Point ahead.
View toward the unnamed peak mentioned previously, which looks very cool.
View toward the unnamed peak mentioned previously, which looks very cool.
Class 2 to Sierra Estrella High Point.
Class 2 to Sierra Estrella High Point.
Sierra Estrella High Point, view back along the ridge.
Sierra Estrella High Point, view back along the ridge.
Sierra Estrella High Point, view east toward the rest of the range.
Sierra Estrella High Point, view east toward the rest of the range.
Close-up toward the rest of the range.
Close-up toward the rest of the range.
A shot within my descent gully/drainage choice, which was just to the southeast of my ascent ridge. I thought it had some nice obstacles.
A shot within my descent gully/drainage choice, which was just to the southeast of my ascent ridge. I thought it had some nice obstacles.
Another pic of the pretty descent gully/drainage.
Another pic of the pretty descent gully/drainage.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!