Along the road from the parking spot, headed west toward the Canyon Overlook trailhead.

Halfway to the Canyon Overlook Trailhead, you'll get to Shelf Canyon on the right. This is a view from the road into Shelf Canyon.

The start of Shelf Canyon.

Looking back toward the road.

Entering the slot section of Shelf Canyon.

Some scrambling within the slot.

I went up a little farther, but it soon becomes a Class 5 chimney. We turned back and continued onward to Canyon Overlook Trail.

We started along the Canyon Overlook Trail. Pine Creek Canyon seen below on the left.

Nearing the end of the Canyon Overlook Trail. The East Temple is visible above. The route leads up the slabs seen center.

Canyon Overlook viewpoint. Bridge Mountain visible top left.

From the end of the Canyon Overlook Trail, head north toward the right shoulder of The East Temple, seen center.

Looking down toward the Canyon Overlook Trail end as we start up the slabs.

The slabs are less steep lower down, but increase in difficulty.

Class 2 slabs the whole way up with a couple of Class 3 moves.

Almost at the top, this is the view looking toward the way we came.

Steeper moves higher up.

Headed toward Shelf Point.

Shelf Point.

Looking up Gifford Canyon from Shelf Point.

View down toward Shelf Canyon from Shelf Point.

Headed down the other side of Shelf Point, Deertrap Mountain in the distance in the center.

We followed the slope on the east side of The East Temple. Bighorn Peak seen center.

Some Class 2/3 obstacles along the way.

Along the ridge up to Bighorn Peak.

View back as we ascend Bighorn Peak, the impressive base of The East Temple behind Yoshi.

Looking back toward Shelf Point from Bighorn Peak.

After descending a bit from Bighorn Peak's summit, looking north toward Deertrap Mountain. We headed along the ridge.

After heading down Bighorn Peak's north side, this is looking back up toward Bighorn Peak (left), The East Temple seen right.

The Class 3 descent into the bowl. We chose to traverse to the right since it looked steeper than we remembered it being.

Traversing around the top of the slickrock bowl. Progeny Peak seen center.

Descending into the slickrock bowl.

Within the bowl, heading toward Upper Pine Creek Canyon.

A cairned route into the canyon. Next we needed to ascend out of the east side of the canyon.

Now within Upper Pine Creek Canyon, you can choose to either head through it back to the trailhead. This is a shot within the canyon. Otherwise, continue on for more adventuring.

To get out of the canyon, we used this Class 3 exit.

And then steep and meandering ledges up a steep Class 3 face.

Above the face, a view toward the beautiful landscape on the northwest side of Progeny Peak (summit seen top left). We wrapped around to the left in this photo.

Wrapping around to the north side of Progreny Peak.

A view back toward The East Temple, Bighorn Peak seen center.

We took a slickrock slope with water trickling.

Another shot back, gorgeous.

Ascending to the north side of Progeny Peak.

Steep slabs on Progeny Peak's north side.

View back as we start the Class 2/3 ascent.

Yoshi on his way up, The East Temple seen top left.

Class 3+ crux lip.

Yoshi on the crux.

We reached the summit ridge of Progeny Peak.

Progeny Peak, view west.

Progeny Peak, view southeast.

Progeny Peak, view toward Bridge Mountain and Destination Peak.

Coming down from Progeny Peak.

Wide slope making route-finding a little difficult.

View back at our descent from Progeny.

Class 2/3 ledges to get down to Two Pines Arch (seen left).

Class 2/3 blocky ledges.

Two Pines Arch.

Class 2 down to the drainage seen center.

View back up toward Two Pines Arch (right), viewed from the drainage.
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