Starting up the Kenny Creek Trail.

Gorgeous, lush trail.

Progress along the Kenny Creek Trail. You can see the slope we're headed for eventually top right.

Cute meadows along the way.

And even occasional views down toward Salt Lake City.

But most of the hike up the Kenny Creek Trail was shrouded by trees and narrow enough that without maintenance the brush could get out of hand.

Often quite steep, the Kenny Creek Trail efficiently leads up the slope.

The slopes below Burro Peak seen on the far right - we will be up there later on the way back.

Another shot back toward the valley.

And then we had to leave the trail since it ben away we couldn't find it. Here you can see the short forest section we hiked along off-trail.

And then we were above treeline, though there were short sections of brush to deal with.

View back above treeline.

Now on the ridge crest, heading toward Sessions Mountains - West Peak.

The ridge was a little rocky and brushy, but never too inconvenient.

False summit of Sessions Mountains - West Peak seen on the right.

Progress along the ridge crest.

Approaching a rugged portion of the ridgeline.

Class 3 along this section of ridge.

Bypassing an ourcropping.

Looking back at the ridge crest as we near the false summit of Sessions Mountains - West Peak. On the right you can see the rugged portion we just got through.

Lightly more brushy on the way up the false summit.

False summit, view back along the ridgeline.

False summit, Sessions Mountains - West Peak seen left. Grandview Peak seen right.

Descending from Sessions Mountains - West Peak. East Peak seen top right. No trail initially.

Then we were on the lovely Great Western Trail. Sessions Mountains - East Peak seen left, Grandview Peak right.

Passing a No Trespassing sign at the saddle.

View back toward Sessions Mountains - West Peak as the Great Western Trail transitions to an old doubletrack.

Ascending to Sessions Mountains - East Peak.

And then back on singletrack as the trail leads to just below the summit.

We left the trail briefly to reach the summit of Sessions Mountains - East Peak.

View back toward Sessions Mountains - West Peak (left).

Onward to Grandview Peak, seen right.

Progress down to the saddle with Grandview Peak.

Grandview Peak seen ahead.

Class 2 along the crest.

Grandview Peak ahead.

Just below Grandview Peak, view back toward Sessions Mountains - East Peak

Grandview Peak summit just ahead.

We dropped west, following the ridge crest.

You can see the ridgeline undulating ahead.

Some brush and light Class 2.

View back. Overall it's a pretty straightforward ridge walk.

Approaching one of a few significant bumps along the ridge.

View back toward Grandview Peak, not pretty far away.

Continuing the descent along the ridgeline.

Entering the forest, where there is a bit more brush, but still not too annoying.

View back one more time as we reach Burro Peak.

Descending from Burro Peak, leading into a gully. We want to then get to the ridge seen center.

After descending from Burro Peak, we were in the gully seen center. In the foreground is a nice doubletrack leading out of the gully and back to the ridge.

Back along the ridge, where we found a nice social trail.

Descending along the social trail.

The trail then drops steeply from the ridge and eventually leads yo Rudy's Flat.

I didn't get a photo of Rudy's Flat since it was just a small grass clearing. This is a shot of the Mueller Park Trail leading away from Rudy's Flat.

It's a pretty and mostly forested trail. Though since the grade is so gradual it takes 6+ miles to get back.

A clearing along the trail.

Elephant Rock overlook.

Lower portion of the Mueller Park Trail.

Continuing back through the forest.

A final shot back up at the mountains.

A bridge over Mill Creek leading to the trailhead.
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