From the trailhead along a degraded road. Steel-cut Peak visible top right. We ascended the slopes to get to its base.

Looking back, Secret Pass Peak visible center (our last one of the day).

Heading up the slopes to Steel-cut Peak.

Class 2 to Steel-cut Peak's base. We tried the chimneys visible ahead, all were scary. We wrapped around on the right to locate a gully instead.

Class 2 gully up Steel-cut Peak. At the top on the left is a notch we went through.

Looking back down the Class 2 gully just below the notch.

Notch we passed through just behind Matt on the left.

Class 3 past the notch.

Looking back down toward the notch.

We emerged onto the ridgeline. Scary-looking.

View back toward Matt.

Crux along the ridge.

Steel-cut Peak summit, view toward Secret Pass Peak (right of center). The cars are on the right somewhere.

View toward Mount Nutt (top right).

Sunny Side Peak far right, its crazy hoodoo-ridgeline we'd be doing later visible center, and Peak 4060 (which we failed) far left.

After getting down from Steel-cut Peak, now heading east toward the drainage separating us from Honey Nutt Peak, seen center (well, that's the false summit).

Just past the drainage, view back the way we came.

Class 3 break in the cliffs.

View back as we get up through the break in the cliffs. Peak 4060 (we failed it) visible on the left.

Really pretty section as we continue toward Honey Nutt Peak.

Honey Nutt Peak ahead. We would wrap around it on the right and get to its northeast side.

View back as we ascend to Honey Nutt Peak.

Wrapping around the south side of Honey Nutt Peak.

View back along the east side of Honey Nutt Peak.

Class 3 on the northeast side.

Looking down the fun Class 3.

Class 3 up Honey Nutt Peak. We came up from the center in this photo.

Knife-edge to the summit of Honey Nutt Peak.

Summit of Honey Nutt Peak. You can see Matt heading over to an equally-tall summit. The summit register is where I was standing, so I assume this one is maybe ever-so-slightly taller. You can see Sunny Side Peak top right, and Peak 4060 just in front of it. Our route would soon wrap around Peak 4060 on the very far right of this photo.

After coming down from Honey Nutt Peak, we approached Peak 4060 ahead, keeping right on animal trails.

Nice shot of some crazy rock formations along the way.

Looking back toward Honey Nutt Peak's false tower.

Just past Peak 4060, a view at the eroded hoodoo-filled ridgeline to Sunny Side Peak, seen ahead. You can see Matt at the bottom for perspective. It looks insane and not possible from here.

Looking back at the beginning of the traverse of the eroded ridge toward Peak 4060 (which we failed). We stayed on the south side of the eroded crest initially.

After being forced up to the ridge and getting cliffed off, we located this Class 3 ramp to get to the north side of the ridge.

A narrow section along the eroded ridge, Class 3. The route led to the overhanging "cave" in the center.

Approaching another Class 3 move to get into the "cave".

Within the "cave", view toward Mount Nutt to the south. Peak 3680 seen right of center, the lumpy mess that we decided to skip today.

Just past the overhang, we headed down this grassy stuff to avoid nutty-looking cliffs on the right.

We located this drainage and headed up.

Looking back down the Class 2/3 drainage.

Just past the drainage we were on solid ground. Somehow the ridge went!

Approaching the cliff bands surrounding Sunny Side Peak's east face. We located a Class 3 easy move to get up and over it.

Sunny Side Peak ahead on the left.

Looking back as we ascend to Sunny Side Peak, Steel-cut Peak visible on the left.

View of Mount Nutt (right) from Sunny Side Peak.

After returning from Sunny Side Peak, we dropped into the drainage separating Steel-cut Peak and Honey Nutt Peak and followed it to the trailhead.

Cool rock formations as we descend. Honey Nutt Peak's false tower visible top left.

Secret Pass Peak visible ahead (center). We ascended to the right of it.

Looking back on our way up Secret Pass Peak, view from a minor saddle on its east side.

Just past the minor saddle, we found this Class 2 gully.

Looking down the brushy Class 2 gully.

At the top of the gully, we took the leftmost option, seen center of this photo. It led to the notch you see above.

Looking down the Class 3 ascent to the notch.

We passed over the notch - view looking back toward Luke scrambling out of the notch.

Class 3 wrap-around.

Looking down toward Matt coming up the Class 3 section, solid rock. The Class 3 wrap-around is on the left in this photo. The notch we came from is out of frame, also left.

Past the Class 3 section, some mellow terrain leading to the southwest side of Secret Pass Peak. We continued along the base of the cliffs to the center of this photo. We wrapped around the rocks, heading to the right.

After wrapping around the rocks, we were on the southwest side of Secret Pass Peak. Matt is seen here ascending Class 2 to the summit.

Secret Pass Peak summit, view northwest.
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