End of Echo Canyon Road. I continued on foot up Echo Canyon.

It becomes a wide and uninteresting wash.

View back down the wash.

After a couple of miles, I hung a right and started up another wash to the south toward Schwaub Peak.

View back down the wash as I ascend a slope out of the wash. You can see Echo Canyon draining center left of this photo. Peak 5969 visible center.

I followed this slope until I made it to the drainage coming down from Schwaub Peak, visible center. I ascended via the drainage, but descended on the ridge visible on the right in this photo.

Ascending the Class 2 drainage.

Making progress up the drainage.

View back down.

Cool fossils!

View back down the drainage again.

Class 2 steep scree slope ahead.

View back down the scree slope I ascended.

A bit of side-hilling to get to the ridgeline.

At the ridgeline, a peek to the left side - nope, too sketchy.

The right side of the ridge was much better, Class 2.

More light scrambling along the right side of the crest, Schwaub Peak up there somewhere.

Schwaub Peak summit, view toward the Class 2 I just got past. I ascended from the left in this photo to reach the ridgeline. Steep, yeah.

Schwaub Peak summit, view toward Pyramid Peak.

Schwaub Peak summit, view toward Winters Peak (left) and Peak 5969 (right). I chose to descend the ridge in the center. My ascent was up the drainage on the right.

Close-up toward Peak 5969.

Headed down the Class 2 ridge.

Shot looking back up the ridge toward Schwaub Peak.

Toward the bottom of my descent ridge as I make my way back into the drainage I previously ascended. Peak 5969 visible top right.

Headed to Peak 5969, looks pretty boring from here.

After slogging through the desert for a bit, I ascended this pleasant slope to gain the ridgeline that would lead to Peak 5969.

View back toward Schwaub Peak. To get here, I ascended along the base of the slopes right of center in this photo. There was a wash of sorts, but it wasn't obvious. Just general desert walking.

At the ridge leading to Peak 5969.

Class 2 steeper section.

View back as I ascend to Peak 5969.

Class 2 toward the summit of Peak 5969.

Summit of Peak 5969, Schwaub Peak visible top left.

Summit of Peak 5969, view into Death Valley.

Summit of Peak 5969, view east. Schwaub Peak visible top right.

On my drive back, I stopped at the Inyo Mine.

Inyo Mine.

Inyo Mine along Echo Canyon Road.
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