Starting from the trailhead.

The trail leads through some beautiful high grasses in a meandow.

Schunemunk Mountain visible top right.

Entering the forest.

A railroad track crossing. Technically it's illegal, so I won't say we did it.

Ascending the Sweet Clover Trail.

Looking back at some views along the Sweet Clover Trail.

Still ascending on the Sweet Clover Trail.

A nice view along the way up.

Junction with the Jessup Trail. We would be returning via this trail later. First, up to Schunemunk Mountain!

Some minor scrambling.

The ridgeline up to Schunemunk has rocky slabs, scraggly pine trees and nice views.

Views to the north.

Approaching the summit.

Summit of Schunemunk Mountain.

A short detour leads to the megaliths, seen here.

We headed back down to the junction with the Jessu Trail. We started descending via the Jessup Trail.

A minor section of ascent before the descent down the Jessup Trail.

Pretty ridgeline as we descend.

The Jessup Trail enters back into deciduous forest and follows a pretty stream.

Cute mini waterfall.

A tempting little bridge. Don't take it. Instead, the trail heads to the right and crossed some railroad tracks.

Railroad Track crossing. Again, won't say we did it since there's a sign reading it's trespassing.

After the railroad tracks, an old roadbed parallels the tracks for about a half mile.

The trail heads left away from the old roadbed.

Crossing a little bridge into the meadows.

The trail continues through the meadows and joins back up with the Sweet Clover Trail.
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