Peak 2417 seen on the right. We hiked a road for a short time before heading north to the peak.

Slightly brushy terrain on the northern ramp.

Some Class 2 along the way.

Summit of Pea 2417 ahead.

Peak 2417, a nice warm-up.

Peak 2417 summit, view toward the Sawtooth Mountains High Point.

View toward Sawtooth Spire, our next summit.

Back at the trailhead, we started toward Sawtooth Spire, seen left of center.

Approaching Sawtooth Spire's south ridge, where we headed up through a weakness in its lower cliff band.

View back, Peak 2417 seen right.

Class 2 bits as we ascend to Sawtooth Spire's south ridge.

Rounding a corner to avoid cliffs along the crest.

Wrapping around a large outcropping. Sawtooth Spire in view center.

Along the ridge to Sawtooth Spire.

Class 3.

Class 3/4. It's steep, but the rock is solid and fun to scramble on.

Sawtooth Spire summit ridge scramble.

Close-up of the route up Sawtooth Spire's summit.

View down at the Class 3/4.

Close-up of Matt on the scramble. There was some fixed rope in place for rappelling, but we didn't need it nor have gear anyway.

Summit of Sawtooth Spire.

We relocated our vehicles and started up toward Pinhole Peak.

View back as we ascend to Pinhole Peak, Submarine Rock seen left and Sawtooth Mountains High Point on the right.

Pinhole Peak seen right of center.

A steep slope on the north side.

The pinhole approach we used to access the summit.

Class 4 up this awesome feature.

View back down through the pinhole.

Matt coming out of the Pinhole and up to the summit.

Pinhole Peak summit, view toward the taller Sawtooth Mountains peaks.
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