Hiking along an old road for a short time before heading through the desert to the saddle seen right of center.

Prickly, rocky terrain on the ascent.

Headed north toward Sawtooth Mountains High Point, avoiding a lump along the way.

Side-hilling a bit to wrap around a significant bump.

We reached the ridge, where we started ascending more earnestly on Class 2/2+. There were white arrows spray-painted, though they become misleading.

View back toward the side-hilling we'd just finished.

Another shot back, Submarine Rock seen top right.

Sawtooth Mountains High Point seen center. The Class 3 route leads left on the tamer terrain, but a Class 4 exposed route goes up the notch indicated by a shadow seen center. The white arrows lead to the notch, but I recommend keeping to the safer route option.

Class 3.

View back toward the side-hill I just did, and the sketchy notch route (left) where my friends went.

More fun Class 3.

Cairns assist through the somewhat tricky terrain.

Approaching the summit.

Class 3 move to gain the crest.

Sawtooth Mountains High Point summit, view toward Submarine Rock.

Just a quick shot of Matt on the sketchy Class 4 notch route option. I chose not to do it and returned the way I came.

Onward to some lumps before Submarine Rock as the finale. Peak 2334 seen on the right, our first one. Matt and I descended slopes and washes until reaching its base.

Peak 2334 ahead.

Short hike on an ATV road at the base of Peak 2334.

Typical cactus-filled terrain up to Peak 2334.

View back, Sawtooth Mountains HP seen left, Submarine Rock center, and Peak 2467 right (our next one).

Close-up toward Submarine Rock (left) and Peak 2467 (right). Peak 2473 behind it (our fourth peak of the loop).

Onward to Peak 2467, a pretty straightforward walk up its west slope.

Peak 2467 summit, view toward Submarine Rock and Sawtooth Mountains HP.

We dropped off Peak 2467's south ridge to go grab Peak 2473 first, seen ahead.

Descending the cactus-filled slope of Peak 2467.

A short hike on an ATV road. Cool cliffs surrounding Peak 2467 seen left.

Ascending Peak 2473.

Some Class 2, but mostly just a steep hike.

Class 2+/3 move just below the summit of Peak 2473. Submarine Rock seen top right.

We backtracked and followed an animal trail north toward Submarine Rock.

Approaching Submarine Rock. We headed directly toward it above a minor cliff band, and slogged along some loose scree beneath its more significant upper cliff.

View back, Peak 2467 seen right, Peak 2473 left.

Class 2 initially up Submarine Rock's west ridge. It's a bit steep and loose, but has some pleasant scrambling.

Submarine Rock ahead. A short descent to its saddle went Class 2.

Class 3 from the saddle.

Fun Class 2/3 to the summit.

View back from the summit of Submarine Rock.

View toward Sawtooth Mountains HP (center) and Sawtooth Spire (right).

Submarine Rock at sunset.

We descended from the saddle using a Class 4 chimney.

View back up the Class 4 chimney.
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