We followed an old road for a short time and then ascended into the hills to the east. Savahia Peak visible center.

Rocky terrain. Our goal is the gully in the center.

Entering the gully. Initially we kept to the left, then when the cliffs became a deterrent, we passed over the gully to get to the right side.

Quite a bit of Class 2, and pretty steep.

View back, the car is somewhere in the center.

More progress, just a lot of relatively fun boulder-hopping up the steep slope.

Another shot back as the light became brilliant.

Close-up of our progress up the gully.

At the notch above the gully, view back.

Still at the notch, view toward the ascent ridge. Keeping to the ridge is Class 3/4, while using the pleasant ledge system in the center of this photo meant Class 2.

Along the ledges.

View back to the notch (center), and the gully we came up (bottom right).

More ledge system fun. The summit will become visible just around the corner.

Savahia Peak summit ahead, a short slope away.

Savahia Peak summit block, Class 2+.

Savahia Peak summit, view back south along the ridge.

Whipple Mountains High Point visible to the east.

Close-up of Avery posing on a false summit.
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