Hike Santa Rita Mountains Traverse (Florida Peak, Mount Wrightson, Mount Hopkins) Coronado National Forest, AZ

Starting up the Super Trail.

Flowing Madera Creek.

A key junction with a social trail that leaves the Super Trail to access the Kent Spring Trail.

Along the Kent Spring Trail.

Passing Sylvester Spring.

Looking back at the well at the junction with the Kent Spring Trail. I'm not ascending the Four Springs Trail.

Four Springs Trail, the Santa Rita crest seen above.

Four Springs Trail, a little overgrown, but not enough to be annoying.

A switchback as I ascend along the Four Springs Trail. Mount Hopkins and Pete Mountain seen in the distance.

Gorgeous cliffs of the range crest above.

View back, the Santa Rita Crest seen left.

Ascending toward McCleary Peak.

View back, Mount Hopkins far right.

Four Springs Trail as it nears the saddle with McCleary Peak.

Social trail up to McCleary Peak, ahead.

View back toward the saddle as I head up McCleary Peak. 88 Mac Peak seen top. I hiked up the steep slope on the left later.

McCleary Peak ahead.

McCleary Peak, view of the traverse to come (excluding Florida and Josephine).

Close-up across Madera Canyon toward Mount Hopkins (left), Pete Mountain (center), and Elephant Head (right).

Along the Armour Spring Trail, Florida Peak seen left.

View back toward McCleary Peak.

Descending to Florida Saddle.

Florida Saddle. I took the Sawmill Trail.

Sawmill Trail, Florida Peak seen ahead.

I left the Sawmill Trail to ascend to Florida Peak.

Florida Peak, view toward McCleary Peak (right), 88 Mac Peak (center), Mount Ian (left), and Mount Wrightson poking out.

Rather than take the Crest Trail (currently covered in snow), I ascended directly to 88 Mac Peak.

View back down the ridge toward Florida Peak.

88 Mac Peak ahead.

Steep section toward the top, likely just Class 2 when no snow.

88 Mac Peak, view toward McCleary Peak.

88 Mac Peak, view toward Rice Peak and Mount Ian.

Heading down a cairned route from 88 Mac Peak.

View back toward 88 Mac Peak (left) and Florida Peak (right) as I head toward Rice Peak.

Rice Peak ahead.

View back along the ridgeline.

Rice Peak, view toward Mount Ian and Mount Wrightson.

Continuing along the crest.

Coming down from Mount Ian.

Looking back at Mount Ian after joining the Crest Trail.

Mount Wrightson ahead.

Approaching Mount Wrightson.

View back at Mount Ian.

Along the Old Baldy Trail to the summit.

I was happy others had come first to pack the snow down.

Switchbacks up to the summit.

Mount Wrightson summit ahead.

Mount Wrightson summit, view toward Josephine Peak.

Close-up of Josephine Peak.

View toward the crest I just hiked.

Mount Hopkins and Pete Mountain.

I took the Super Trail around to Josephine Peak, seen ahead.

View back along the Super Trail.

Riley Saddle sign. Josephine Peak ahead.

Bushwhack to Josephine Peak.

View back toward Mount Wrightson and the Super Trail.

I kept left of a rock outcropping and then ascended steeply to the summit.

Josephine Peak summit, view toward Mount Wrightson and Mount Hopkins.

Josephine Peak summit view.

Onward along the Super Trail.

View back toward Josephine Peak.

Some pretty forest hiking.

Josephine Saddle.

View back along the Agua Caliente Trail, Mount Wrightson above.

Quick excursion social trail up to Jack Mountain.

Agua Caliente Trail, Mount Hopkins and Pete Mountain seen through the trees.

I left the trail and took this social trail up the ridge to reach Mount Hopkins.

Hiked the paved road.

View along the paved road toward Mount Wrightson (center) and Josephine Peak (right).

Summit ahead on the top right.

Mount Hopkins summit, view toward Pete Mountain (center) and Elephant Head (far right).

Mount Wrightson.

Junction with the Vault Mine Trail, but first Pete Mountain.

Approaching Agua Caliente Saddle.

A social trail led from the saddle to Pete Mountain, seen ahead.

Decent trail along the ridge.

View back at a lump I hiked up and over before the ascent to Pete Mountain.

Social trail most of the way until the top, where it was trickier to follow.

Pete Mountain, view toward McCleary Peak (left), Mount Wrightson (center), Josephine Peak behind it, and Mount Hopkins (right).

Hiking down along the Vault Mine Trail back into Madera Canyon.

Flowing water along the trail.
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