Starting out from the trailhead.

Approaching the wilderness boundary. Through the fence is where you come later to complete the loop. Take the trail on the right that follows the fence.

Heading up the ridge toward Lake Peak.

Nambe Lake below, almost at the Lake Peak summit.

Holy frost. And why is there someone else out here?

Deception Peak summit, looking toward Lake Peak.

Along the ridge.

Looking back toward Deception Peak from Lake Peak.

Lake Peak summit looking toward Santa Fe Baldy.

Heading down the east ridge toward Penitente Peak.

Penitente Peak ahead.

After the Penitente Peak summit, along a gorgeous alpine grassy slope.

Looking back toward Penitente Peak and Lake Peak.

Santa Fe Baldy ahead.

After exiting the woods, Santa Fe Baldy comes into view on the right. A trail splits off.

Heading toward Santa Fe Baldy.

Looking back toward Lake Peak.

Approaching Santa Fe Baldy summit.

Santa Fe Baldy summit!

Santa Fe Baldy summit, looking back. Lake Peak on the left.

Overlooking Lake Katherine.

Back on the Winsor Trail.

On the Winsor Trail, looking back toward Santa Fe Baldy.

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