Sandy Peak in Dixie National Forest, UT

Hike Sandy Peak Dixie National Forest, UT

Class 2 7.2 miles 2300 gain 3-5 hrs Out + Back May 19, 2021

Sandy Peak GPX Track

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Sandy Peak ended up being a highlight of my Utah trip, its open summit ridge an unexpected treat. It's one of those peaks that's big enough to feel significant when you're on it, but small enough to go unnoticed by pretty much anyone. It's hidden deep in Dixie National Forest and only got on my radar because I've noticed it barely poking out from UT-20 to the north. The forest road used to access the trailhead is passable by any vehicle in either direction. Better vehicles can cut off about 2.5 miles from this hike by continuing along the road that I hiked, but the scenery along the road is nice enough that I was fine with parking just off the main dirt road and walking along the bad dirt road. Thanks to Tom Gathright whose route I generally followed.

I left the dirt road as it started ascending south up a hill, and dropped into a minor canyon called Ashton Canyon on the left. Initially I thought this would be a brushy mess, but animal trails lead along the side of the trickling water and keep the going pretty easy. I continued within Ashton Canyon for a bit before starting a very steep ascent up a forested slope. It was tricky to know when to start ascending since I was surrounded by trees, but I don't think you can go too wrong. Eventually you'll make it to the ridge crest above. Animal trails helped me avoid much of the brush on the ascent, but it was steep enough to still be slow-moving. The terrain mellowed out substantially at the top of the slope, where I could wander easily to the east as Sandy Peak came into view. It was really pleasant  along the grassy and open ridgeline. The Tushar Mountains came into view to the north, and the grassy slopes surrounding me got me in a really good mood.

There's a minor bump just before Sandy Peak along its northern ridge that I avoided by keeping to the bump's right, but this resulted in some minor bushwhacking. Going up and over the bump would work as well. I was at the base of Sandy Peak when a rattlesnake gave me a nice warning. I gave him some distance and ascended the somewhat steep north ridge, hopping over the occasional deadfall. The last bit to the summit included a cute section of blocky Class 2 boulders that I weaved around. The summit has really great views.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Sandy Peak
9537 ft
1257 rise

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Better vehicles can drive this road, but I chose to walk it.
Better vehicles can drive this road, but I chose to walk it.
Along the dirt road, Sandy Peak poking out in the center.
Along the dirt road, Sandy Peak poking out in the center.
Looking back along the dirt road.
Looking back along the dirt road.
I left the dirt road and dropped into Ashton Creek.
I left the dirt road and dropped into Ashton Creek.
Ashton Creek was pleasant.
Ashton Creek was pleasant.
Ahead is the steep slope I'd be ascending.
Ahead is the steep slope I'd be ascending.
Animal trails helped, but it was still steep.
Animal trails helped, but it was still steep.
View back as I ascend. Some light bushwhacking, but not bad at all.
View back as I ascend. Some light bushwhacking, but not bad at all.
Almost up the slope.
Almost up the slope.
Nearing the top of the slope, view back the way I came. Ashton Canyon is right of center. My car is in the meadow somewhere top center.
Nearing the top of the slope, view back the way I came. Ashton Canyon is right of center. My car is in the meadow somewhere top center.
The ridgeline immediately becomes more pleasant after finishing the slope ascent. Sandy Peak visible top right.
The ridgeline immediately becomes more pleasant after finishing the slope ascent. Sandy Peak visible top right.
Close-up of Sandy Peak. The bump along its north ridge visible on the left.
Close-up of Sandy Peak. The bump along its north ridge visible on the left.
Animal trails led through any minor brush along the way.
Animal trails led through any minor brush along the way.
But really it's just a nice stroll along the grassy ridgeline.
But really it's just a nice stroll along the grassy ridgeline.
View back along the ridge.
View back along the ridge.
Close-up toward the Tushar Mountains to the north.
Close-up toward the Tushar Mountains to the north.
Along the ridge.
Along the ridge.
Image 17 from gallery
View back along the ridge. Little Creek Peak (a minor summit to the south) visible on the left.
View back along the ridge. Little Creek Peak (a minor summit to the south) visible on the left.
Continuing to ascend on the northern ridge of Sandy Peak.
Continuing to ascend on the northern ridge of Sandy Peak.
Rather than ascend all the way to the bump on the top left, I headed up through the trees in the center and continued to the saddle separating the hump and Sandy Peak.
Rather than ascend all the way to the bump on the top left, I headed up through the trees in the center and continued to the saddle separating the hump and Sandy Peak.
View north.
View north.
Hump on the left.
Hump on the left.
Avoiding the hump on its right, Sandy Peak visible center.
Avoiding the hump on its right, Sandy Peak visible center.
At the saddle of the hump and Sandy Peak.
At the saddle of the hump and Sandy Peak.
View back toward the hump as I ascend the ridge.
View back toward the hump as I ascend the ridge.
Deadfall and minor Class 2 up the north ridge.
Deadfall and minor Class 2 up the north ridge.
View back. The ridge I ascended from comes up from the left.
View back. The ridge I ascended from comes up from the left.
Wide shot of the route from just below the summit of Sandy Peak. My car is in the meadow on the top left in this photo.
Wide shot of the route from just below the summit of Sandy Peak. My car is in the meadow on the top left in this photo.
Just before the summit of Sandy Peak, some Class 2 blocky boulders to maze around to gain the summit.
Just before the summit of Sandy Peak, some Class 2 blocky boulders to maze around to gain the summit.
Sandy Peak summit, view south.
Sandy Peak summit, view south.
Close-up toward Little Creek Peak.
Close-up toward Little Creek Peak.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!