Starting up on the South Fork Trail, lots of bends.

A cabin along the way.

Entering San Gorgonio Wilderness, where you can see San Gorgonio Mountain.

Sugarloaf Mountain, north of the trail.

Junction with Dollar Lake and Dry Lake. I went right first.

San Gorgonio Mountain up there.

Looking back down the lightly ascending trail.

Charlton Peak center, Gorgonio Mountain left.

After Dollar Lake Saddle.

Looking back toward San Bernardino Peak heading toward Charlton Peak.

Jepson Peak on the right, Charlton left.

Looking back along the Bernardino Divide Trail.

Charlton Peak summit. Little Charlton visible center right, Jepson top right, Gorgonio center top.

Back on the official trail headed toward Jepson Peak.

Jepson Peak ahead.

Looking back toward Charlton and Little Charlton.

Looking down into the valley that houses Forest Falls, CA. Bernardino Peak center.

Jepson Peak summit, looking back.

Jepson Peak summit, looking toward San Gorgonio.

Looking back along the ridge from Jepson to Gorgonio.

Looking toward San Gorgonio Mountain.

San Gorgonio Mountain summit, looking west.

Back at the junction, heading along the Sky High Trail.

Plane crash site memorial.

At the base of San Gorgonio Mountain's boulder field. The trail is very well manicured, though.

Approaching Mine Shaft Saddle.

Heading into the meadows below San Gorgonio Mountain.

San Gorgonio Mountain left, Jepson Peak right.

At the north end of Dry Lake, looking back toward San Gorgonio Mountain.

Charlton Peak left, along the Dry Lake Trail as it hugs the mountainside.

Dry Lake Trail looking back toward San Gorgonio Mountain.

San Gorgonio Mountain left, Jepson Peak right.

Approaching the junction with Dollar Lake and South Fork Trails. Head back the way you came.
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