Saddle Peak Hills in Death Valley National Park, CA

Hike Saddle Peak Hills Death Valley National Park, CA

Class 2 3.9 miles 1600 gain 1-2 hr Out + Back Dec 11, 2020

Saddle Peak Hills GPX Track

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The Saddle Peak Hills is a minor range just off CA-127. I parked along a side-road that's rutted and not suitable for low-clearance. 2WD would add about a quarter mile of road walking. From my parking spot, I followed a very deteriorated mining road to the mouth of the major drainage coing from the north of the peaks. Class 2 boulder hopping led me to the northern slope of Ibex Benchmark (the high point). I encountered some Class 2+ moves, and I suppose with some variance you could figure out a way to keep it easier. I headed over to Saddle Peak Hills East, more Class 2+ down to the saddle, and Class 2 to the summit. I backtracked to the saddle and headed back the way I came.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Ibex Benchmark (Saddle Peak Hills High Point)
2557 ft
1094 rise
Saddle Peak Hills East
2552 ft
255 rise

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Saddle Peak Hills, seen from my car.
Saddle Peak Hills, seen from my car.
Deteriorated road I used to get to the major drainage.
Deteriorated road I used to get to the major drainage.
Class 2 boulder-hopping up the drainage.
Class 2 boulder-hopping up the drainage.
View toward Ibex Benchmark (right), and Saddle Peak Hills East (left).
View toward Ibex Benchmark (right), and Saddle Peak Hills East (left).
Looking back into the drainage as I ascend toward the saddle.
Looking back into the drainage as I ascend toward the saddle.
Saddle ahead. I kept right and continued up the north slope of Ibex Benchmark.
Saddle ahead. I kept right and continued up the north slope of Ibex Benchmark.
Ibex Benchmark summit, view toward the ascent drainage (left) and Saddle Peak Hills East (right).
Ibex Benchmark summit, view toward the ascent drainage (left) and Saddle Peak Hills East (right).
View west.
View west.
Close-up toward the saddle and Saddle Peak Hills East.
Close-up toward the saddle and Saddle Peak Hills East.
Class 2 up to Saddle Peak Hills East.
Class 2 up to Saddle Peak Hills East.
Saddle Peak Hills East, view back toward Ibex Benchmark.
Saddle Peak Hills East, view back toward Ibex Benchmark.
Saddle Peak Hills East summit, view south toward Avawatz Peak.
Saddle Peak Hills East summit, view south toward Avawatz Peak.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!