Starting along the Little Death Hollow Trail.

Little Death Hollow Trail eventually narrows.

Little Death Hollow Trail narrows.

Shawn scrambling up the Class 3 exit out of Little Death Hollow and onto the slickrock.

Navigating the slickrock to get to the head of Sad Cow Disease Canyon.

Looking west toward Little Death Hollow, Sad Cow on the right in this photo.

Continuing along the slickrock.

Entering the head of Sad Cow Disease Canyon.

Looking down the first rappel.

Second rappel.

Looking back at rap 2. Photo by Shawn of me.

Wider section with Sad Cow Disease Canyon.

Sad Cow Disease Canyon narrows.

Shawn belayed me as I downclimbed this section.

Another little obstacle within the narrows.

A short down climb into this chamber.

Leaving the chamber, great colors.

Descending into more narrows.

The final section of narrows is slanted diagonally.

Looking back as we leave Sad Cow Disease Canyon.

Back in Little Death Hollow, exploring a little farther into the narrows until LDH opened up. We turned around at that point.
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