Class 2 2.8 miles 800 gain 1-2 hr Out + Back Jun 4, 2020

S P Crater GPX Track

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S P Crater, apparently an achronym for "Shit Pot Crater" is a short and sweet hike up a popular cinder cone. My friend Matt recommended this one since it's a pristine example of a symmetrical cinder cone. I'd agree that it's a visually appealing set of contour lines on a topographic map. Coming from the north was my first option, but the road required a permit from AZ State Trust Land, so I instead approached from the south, which was basically the same hike. On either side, a dirt road leads to the saddle just west of the crater. I could have driven my car farther from where I parked, but I wasn't sure if it was an official road and didn't want to risk driving on some protected land. Plus, I was happy to add a little warm-up walk on a mostly flat road.

Once at the saddle, numerous social trails lead up the easily-eroded cinder. I don't know if one route option is better than any other, but expect it to be a bit of a slog: two steps up, one step back. It's steep and short, and I found myself on the rim of S P Crater pretty quickly. I'm not sure what I thought I'd see in the crater, but for some reason I was subconsciously expecting more than just a bowl of cinder. Regardless, I hiked its circumference and the views of lava flows and the surrounding peaks were really nice in all directions.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
SP Mountain (SP Crater)
7021 ft
701 rise

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View of SP Crater (right) and the saddle I'd hike up to (left of center).
View of SP Crater (right) and the saddle I'd hike up to (left of center).
Dirt road that could be driven, but I walked it.
Dirt road that could be driven, but I walked it.
Approaching the saddle.
Approaching the saddle.
Looking back, Humpreys Peak visible top right.
Looking back, Humpreys Peak visible top right.
Starting up one of many potential slogs up the scree.
Starting up one of many potential slogs up the scree.
Looking back toward the saddle.
Looking back toward the saddle.
Steep and loose.
Steep and loose.
Rim of SP Crater. I walked around its perimeter.
Rim of SP Crater. I walked around its perimeter.
Image 8 from gallery
View toward Humpreys Peak (left) and Kendrick Peak (right).
View toward Humpreys Peak (left) and Kendrick Peak (right).
View into the crater.
View into the crater.
Image 11 from gallery
Shot toward lava flow below.
Shot toward lava flow below.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!