Heading up the alluvial fan to Room Canyon's mouth.

View back.

First, I went right after entering the mouth to see what was up there (see map for reference).

I found a mini slot. Nothing too crazy.

View from the lower right fork.

Heading up the main Room Canyon fork.

Little slot canyons on the left. One of them leads to cool tower-like hoodoos (photos later). First I wanted to see The Room.

Narrow section before entering The Room.

Squeeze section before The Room under a chockstone.

Room Canyon. It's more stunning when you get here. The narrow slot opens up into a gorgeous big open section with towering cliffs.

Continuing up Room Canyon, passing a small Class 3 section to avoid a small dryfall.

After the mini Class 3 dryfall, more gorgeous walls in Room Canyon.

Looking back toward the open section of Room Canyon (The Room).

End of Room Canyon.

On the way back, a quick side trip up the upper right fork of Room Canyon.

Ends in a slotty section. Wasn't a whole lot to see here.

Couldn't go farther because of a dryfall.

Looking back down the upper right fork.

I headed back and now wanted to see the Tower Hoodoos. This is a side slot canyon from the main Room Canyon section.

Followed a few slots. One of them has a crawl/squeeze section that leads to another room.

After the squeeze, lots of tower hoodoos await!

Such cool features!

Another side canyon leads to these little hoodoos, also on the north side of the main canyon.

Sunset on the way out.
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