The trailhead for Rocky Mouth Falls requires you walk through a neighborhood.

Yep. Quite the hike.

Entrance to the true trail.

A very short walk leads to the base of Rocky Mouth Falls.

Rocky Mouth Falls.

Head left from the base of the falls on an obvious eroded gully.

Looking back down the gully. I'd say there's an easy Class 2+/3 move here.

We weren't sure how far up to go, but took one of the social trails after gaining a few hundred feet of elevation.

Along our chosen social trail, which leads down into the canyon.

Looking up the canyon before descending into it.

A short Class 3 down-scramble to get to the anchors.

Rocky Mouth Falls anchors. One rappel. Fun.

Close-up of the down-scramble.

At the base of Rocky Mouth Falls.
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