Rocky Benchmark and Pupfish Peak in Southern Nevada District BLM, NV

Hike Rocky Benchmark and Pupfish Peak Southern Nevada District BLM, NV

Class 3 8.6 miles 3000 gain 4-6 hrs Out + Back Apr 1, 2020

Rocky Benchmark and Pupfish Peak GPX Track

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For some reason, the little peaks surrounding Pahrump have had me intrigued. After doing Peak 4112, the neighbor of the two in this trip report, I looked over to these and immediately wanted to do them. First off, thanks to Anji Cerney for finding the dirt road approach for these peaks – it saved many miles of open desert walking. The attached trailhead coordinates tak you to the parking spot, but in order to get there, first turn off from Ash Meadows Road at this location: 36.3624, -116.24242

This route hits Peak 4140 (Rocky Benchmark) and Pupfish Peak. The first peak is a little confusing because Rocky Benchmark is actually located slightly north of Peak 4140, so I'm not sure which is actually higher and therefore added both to the attached map. The summit register for Peak 4355 had "Devils Hole Hills High Point" written within and was renamed Pupfish Peak in November 2020.

Austin and I started first toward Rocky Benchmark, following a pleasant wash to a low saddle, then dropping down into the major south-draining wash coming down from the peak. We continued uop this also pleasant wash, keeping left at a major fork, until we encountered a massive, interesting gravel field. It was unlike any featured I've seen before in the desert. It almost looked like a giant dump truck just unloaded it here. Anyway, I geeked out over it for a minute and then we ascended the gravel and continued farther up the wash. Along the way, we encountered one minor Class 3 dryfall, avoidable by backtracking a hunderd feet and finding a slope on the west side. The route became more interesting shortly after, where the wash brought us west, at the base of the peak, and solid, fun, sticky limestone served as a ramp to higher ground. Staying in the center of the drainage would result in Class 3 fun, but keeping just to the right would involve only steep Class 2/2+.

The drainage mellowed as we reached the top, and then curved around to the back of Peak 4140. Rocky Benchmark was just to the north of it. The views from Peak 4140 to the south offered an impressive perspective of the route we took to get up. 

We returned to the car the same way we ascended Peak 4140. You could relocate the car a quarter mile along the road to save hiking time, but I know breaks mean my legs get sore, so we just walked the road and headed toward the major drainage coming off the west side of Pupfish Peak. We had to head up toa minor saddle and then skirt the slopes to enter the drainage, adding onle a small amount of vertical. The wash was slower-moving, with lots of Class 2 boulder-hopping. Eventually it ended at an open area with a dryfall. The right side of the wash was steep and loose scree, but the left side slope seemed more reasonable, so we attempted to use it as a bypass. There was a low Class 3 section toward the top of the slope, and then we were above the dryfall. Austin slipped and sprained his ankle, but he was kind enough to let me run off and get the peak while he hung out near a water tank intended for wildlife to enjoy.

I continued up the drainage, wide and mostly uninteresting, and noted the absurdly steep scree slope ahead required to summit Pupfish Peak. The ridge to the left (east) looked scary from below, but I followed the ridge on my descent later and ultimately would recommend ascending to the ridge and following that instead of going up the awful scree slope. I have left both routes on my map (purple being the one I recommend not doing), but my photos below document the awful scree rather than the ridge – I didn't take any on my way down. For reference, the ridge goes at low Class 3, but is far more enjoyable than the slope, which is Class 2+. The summit views were really nice, since the east face of Pupfish Peak was a pretty sheer cliff.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Rocky Benchmark (Peak 4140)
4140 ft
1020 rise
Pupfish Peak
4355 ft
1215 rise

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Starting first toward Rocky Benchmark, headed for the drainage visible center.
Starting first toward Rocky Benchmark, headed for the drainage visible center.
Within the drainage.
Within the drainage.
Looking back the way we came, Pupfish Peak visible back there. We would do that peak next.
Looking back the way we came, Pupfish Peak visible back there. We would do that peak next.
At a low saddle at the head of the drainage, looking toward Rocky Benchmark. We dropped into this next wash and followed it.
At a low saddle at the head of the drainage, looking toward Rocky Benchmark. We dropped into this next wash and followed it.
Approaching an interesting gravel field.
Approaching an interesting gravel field.
Looking back as we ascend the gravel field.
Looking back as we ascend the gravel field.
Some Class 2 obstacles as the wash narrows into a canyon.
Some Class 2 obstacles as the wash narrows into a canyon.
Looking back the way we came.
Looking back the way we came.
The drainage bends. View back the way we came.
The drainage bends. View back the way we came.
Class 2 slabs as we ascend the steepest part of the drainage.
Class 2 slabs as we ascend the steepest part of the drainage.
Close-up of Austin scrambling on the slabs.
Close-up of Austin scrambling on the slabs.
Almost at the top of the drainage, where the route mellows out a bit.
Almost at the top of the drainage, where the route mellows out a bit.
Mellow drainage leading to the summit.
Mellow drainage leading to the summit.
Image 13 from gallery
Approaching the summit.
Approaching the summit.
View toward our ascent wash (center) and Pupfish Peak (top left).
View toward our ascent wash (center) and Pupfish Peak (top left).
Close-up at our ascent route. Really cool to see it from up here.
Close-up at our ascent route. Really cool to see it from up here.
Back at the car, we followed the road a short distance and began toward Pupfish Peak.
Back at the car, we followed the road a short distance and began toward Pupfish Peak.
We side-hilled the slopes for a short time and ended up in this wash. Pupfish Peak visible center.
We side-hilled the slopes for a short time and ended up in this wash. Pupfish Peak visible center.
Starting up the wash, which became progressively more rocky. Some fun Class 2, nothing crazy.
Starting up the wash, which became progressively more rocky. Some fun Class 2, nothing crazy.
Looking back as we head up the wash.
Looking back as we head up the wash.
Image 21 from gallery
Just a typical Class 2 boulder-hoppy wash.
Just a typical Class 2 boulder-hoppy wash.
Image 23 from gallery
And then we ended up at the base of the dryfall seen center in this photo. The right slopes were too scree-filled. The left side looked more promising.
And then we ended up at the base of the dryfall seen center in this photo. The right slopes were too scree-filled. The left side looked more promising.
Ascending the left side of the waterfall on Class 2.
Ascending the left side of the waterfall on Class 2.
A low Class 3 move to get to the top of the dryfall.
A low Class 3 move to get to the top of the dryfall.
Above the dryfall, looking east at the route to come. A wildlife water tank was located here.
Above the dryfall, looking east at the route to come. A wildlife water tank was located here.
Looking back down the drainage.
Looking back down the drainage.
Terrible Class 2 scree slopes leading to the summit. I recommend just continuing up to the head of the drainage and follow the slope to the ridgeline.
Terrible Class 2 scree slopes leading to the summit. I recommend just continuing up to the head of the drainage and follow the slope to the ridgeline.
Looking back down from near the summit.
Looking back down from near the summit.
My ascent (and therefore these photos) were from the scree slope. You should probably ignore this one since hopefully you took my advice and just went to the ridge ;)
My ascent (and therefore these photos) were from the scree slope. You should probably ignore this one since hopefully you took my advice and just went to the ridge ;)
Pupfish Peak summit, view northwest toward Rocky Benchmark.
Pupfish Peak summit, view northwest toward Rocky Benchmark.
Pupfish Peak summit, view southeast at its impressive cliffs.
Pupfish Peak summit, view southeast at its impressive cliffs.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!