Little Rock City Loop in Rock City State Forest, NY

Hike Little Rock City Loop Rock City State Forest, NY

Class 1 0.9 mile Minimal gain <1 hr Loop Sep 30, 2014

Little Rock City Loop GPX Track

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The Little Rocky City Loop is a cute little hike that explores the crevases and rock formations of this named feature. The name likely comes from the mild resemblance of city streets that weave in and out of the rock pillars. The start of the loop is located at the end of Little Rock City Forest Road, then follows a trail that drops slightly to below the rock features. It then heads north and returns along the dirt road you drove in on. You can explore various crevases that aren't along the official trail. There's a bunch of cool mossy stuff to see.

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Moss growing on the rocks in Rock City State Forest
Moss growing on the rocks in Rock City State Forest
Looking down between the rocks into the crevasses in Rock City State Forest
Looking down between the rocks into the crevasses in Rock City State Forest

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!