Starting along a rocky mining road. Riverside Mountains High Point (Riverside 2 Benchmark) is the center back.

A good parking spot for cars with nice tires. Head northwest on a mining road that deteriorates quickly.

Along the mining road, looking west up the canyon I'll be ascending. Riverside 2 Benchmark center.

Looking back down the way I came.

The road takes you up to a hump before losing a bit of elevation and then starting up to the saddle visible on the left center. Riverside Mountains High Point is on the right center.

Last ascent to the saddle between the High Point and Middle Peak.

Looking back from just below the saddle.

A cave of some sort with old mining trinkets and lots of rusty cans.

From the saddle, headed north to Riverside Mountains High Point.

On the way up Riverside Mountains High Point, looking back down to the saddle and Riverside Mountains - Middle Peak on the right.

Class 2 stuff on the way to the summit.

Passing some old stuff on the ridgeline to the Riverside Mountains High Point summit.

Summit ahead.

Riverside Mountains High Point summit looking down toward the canyon I came up.

Riverside Mountains High Point summit looking south toward Middle Peak and South Peak (way back there).

On the way to Middle Peak.

Class 2 to Middle Peak summit.

Riverside Mountains - Middle Peak, looking north to High Point.

Riverside Mountains - Middle Peak, looking south to southern high points.
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