Starting along the Redstone Trail, then quickly leaving.

A wash leads through some interesting sandstone features before heading into the mountains.

Approaching the notch leading to the saddle between East Redstone and Redstone. A social/animal trail laeds into it quite nicely.

Looking down the gully from the saddle between East Redstone and Redstone.

East Redstone Peak looking north toward the interesting lightly-colored formation that Northshore Road Follows north.

Close-up of the interesting formation, and Northshore Road. You can also see Fire Benchmark on the top left.

East Redstone Peak summit looking west toward Redstone Peak.

Cool features along the traverse to Redstone Peak.

Redstone Peak summit looking east toward East Redstone Peak.

Redstone Peak summit looking west toward my traverse to come. Mystery Cairn (right) and Vista Peak (center) are up next.

Redstone Peak summit close-up toward the Redstone Trailhead.

Saddle before Mystery Cairn Peak.

Headed toward Vista Peak, Lake Mead visible in the distance.

Vista Peak looking south toward Lake Mead.

Mystery Cairn Peak looking west toward Horn Toad Peak (right) and little Pyramid Peak (left).

Class 3 move to gain Horn Toad Peak.

Horn Toad Peak looking south toward Little Pyramid Peak.

Horn Toad Peak looking north toward the Redstone parking area.

Horn Toad Peak summit looking east toward the traverse I just came through.

Saddle before Little Pyramid Peak.

Just below Little Pyramid Peak, looking north toward the interesting-looking canyon I decided to attempt descending through. Horn Toad Peak visible top right.

Class 2+ scramble to the summit of Little Pyramid Peak.

Little Pyramid Peak summit looking northeast at my traverse.

Little Pyramid Peak summit looking east toward the other Northshore Peaks I've come to know and love.

Descending from Little Pyramid Peak's north saddle toward that canyon ahead.

Crazy formations leading to the canyon.

Easy canyon descend, maybe a couple Class 2+ moves.

Descending the canyon down into the desert.

View of the Redstone area from the west as I descend back to my car.

View as I near the trailhead, the canyon I came out of in the center.
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